Welcome back…again?

Hi, blog universe!

I haven’t been around in a very long time, despite a couple of attempts to get started writing my blog again.  The past two years have been quite stressful, and although writing probably would have been helpful, I just wasn’t able to get the oomph to do so.  For the past 6 months, I’ve been writing on Facebook about my recent ACL surgery and recovery, and it reminded me that I like to write.  So…I’m going to add in some of my posts from the last few months here, and then continue my documentation of my journey here.  So…enjoy!

Woah, it’s been a year since I posted!

Hi!  Is there anyone out there?

I have to be honest, I had completely forgotten about my blog, until last week someone commented on one of my posts and I received an email notification.  Oh yea, that blog I used to write…so I approved the comment and then I promptly forgot again.  Then this morning, as I lay in bed, enjoying sleeping in (I am a teacher in NJ and we have off this Thursday and Friday for a teacher’s convention) I came across a blog for a writer that I really like and wanted to follow.

Since the end of Google Reader I haven’t really been reading a whole lot of blogs…but then I remembered that Word Press had a way to add blogs you followed, even non-Word Press blogs.  So…..I dug through the dusty remains of my memory to find my username and password and sign myself in.  *sneeze*  There is a lot of dust in there!

As I scrolled through the sites I have subscribed to (but haven’t read in a year or more), I remembered why I started blogging in the first place:  To find more female BJJ people.  Because I was concerned about doing BJJ, a typically male sport, and I was a girl.  Was there something wrong with me?  And, I was greatly relieved to find this giant community of female BJJ bloggers out there that let me know I was not alone.

In the past year, I’ve gone through a bunch of life changes.  (I know, this is out of left field, but if you are still with me, I promise it connects.  Eventually.)  I was accepted to a science teacher fellowship program for “teacher leaders.”  I made a huge decision to stop teaching the marching band I have taught as my side job for the past 10 years so I can have more time for my niece, nephew, and training. (Time is more precious then money.  Lesson Learned). I received my advanced brown belt in my karate classes, and I am hoping to be able to test for my black belt April 2015.  There has been an ongoing fight in my family to get my parents to move into a smaller, more manageable property (they currently live on 4 acres of land, and are 84 and 78, respectively).

There are a lot of things occuring that I would benefit from reflecting on and sharing with others to help gain perspective.  And maybe there is something I am going through that might help someone else know they are not alone. (See, I told you to hang in there!)

So, I am making a resolution to get back into blogging.  I really enjoyed it when I was posting on a regular basis, and I think that now is a good time for me to get back into the swing of things.  So I am putting “write blog post” in my Any.do calender, and see what happens.  Yay!

See You Soon!

A Letter To The Lady Newbies, (via A Skirt on the Mat)

Truely, I just couldn’t have said it better! 🙂 Anygirl who is just starting this amazing journey we call bjj (cause we can’t spell it!–oh maybe that’s just me) absolutely needs to read this. 🙂

Thank You Katie! 🙂

This is mainly intended for the girls who just started at our academy, but this could apply to any academy, I would think. Except for the end. That's a Katie original. Recognize. 😉 Oh, and a Big Thank You to all the people that have stopped by and said Hello! Especially Georgette Oden for referring people over this way! Thanks! Dear Ladies, Hello there, my dear teammates. You may not feel you deserve the title since your belt is so white that it … Read More

via A Skirt on the Mat

100 random things (well, not quite)

1. I like labor day weekend cause all the radio stations do nothing but play countdowns of good music 🙂

2. I am proud of myself for going to bjj tonight (cause I went to one of the other gyms my instructor teaches at, and I’ve never been there before!)

3. I am proud cause after class I wanted a treat, and I successfully made a choice to have frozen yogurt with half the calories of the ice cream concoction I would have normally chose (and I enjoyed it even more, knowing I made a good choice!

4. This week has been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO stressful…but it’s all okay now cause the stress has been wicked away by my gi (which is soaked with sweat lol)

5. 3 weeks until I compete 🙂 http://www.njbjjf.com yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

6. I learned this week that “non-toxic” really means “we’re sure you won’t die in the next two weeks, but what will happen to you 10 years down the line, we don’t know”

7. I learned that my school’s guidence department doesn’t know how to schedule lab science classes, since we (the science teachers) spent today fixing the lab schedule INSTEAD OF getting our classrooms ready, so now I have to go in EXTRA EARLY on Tuesday morning to set up my class *sigh*

8. Three days in a school with no air conditioning when the temps are 90+ and 100% humidity (thanks, Earl) is really tiring and stressful.

9. I keep reminding myself that the reason why I teach marching band (which is also VERY STRESSFUL right now) is so I can continue my karate and bjj obsessions. It’s basically been my mantra through 4 days of intense rehersals and numerous phone calls to people about uniforms and flags.

10. What is with people who dont read an entire email? I told one of the band vendors THREE times that he had the numbers for one of the items we were ordering wrong, and HE STILL HASN’T FIXED IT!! and MEANWHILE, my band director is bugging for the invoce so he can pay them (cause paying from a school account is a pain in the butt) *sigh*

11. Today in class we started from open guard. Put our hands under their legs, and flipped them over so they turtled up (making sure to keep our hips down to push them over, as I got told a bunch of times). Then we snuck one hand under their head to their opposite collar, and the other hand went under an arm and the head to the opposite collor. Then you walked around, pulling across with hand one, and down with hand two. TAP! I really was excited there was another girl there. It is just wonderful to roll with someone else cause they have different ways of doing things, and when you roll with the same person all the time you start to be able to predict their moves very easily. So I think it is good that I will be going to this class for the weeks leading up to the tourney so I will get some more experience with a different person.

12. I have a bjj goal: Timing for getting out of ikky positions, like side control and mount, where I seem to live a lot (boo). Today while we were rolling, my partner…Peg I think (ick i’m so bad with names!) was in mount, and I heard my instructor telling another group to umpa, and I umpa’d and she wasn’t expecting it so over she went. My timing was excellent by accident. Now I hafta figure out how to do that on purpose. *sigh*

13. Looking forward to the long weekend so I can catch up on the blogs I haven’t read, clean my house, which looks like a bomb hit it, visit my best friend Mandi and her brand new little baby girl madelyn who is sooooo adorable and was born on Monday 🙂 (lol I sound like she bought a new car) I didn’t want to leave the hospital on Tuesday when I went to visit, and Mandi was like “you know, Regina, she IS going to be around for a while” It was funny. I guess you had to be there. Hmmm…I wonder if I wrote that in my last post? oops if I did I don’t really feel like checking right now! *grinz*

Yea. I think that’s it. “phew”

The day that addicted me to BJJ

The end of August will mark one full year of my BJJ addiction.  I was randomly sorting thru pics on facebook, and I found a picture taken at the very first BJJ tourney I ever went to, which cemented my addiction in BJJ.  There were several people from my school competing, and I went as the official picture taker and cheerleader 🙂 

Teehee..if you play “which of these things is not like the other” I think you can figure out which one is me.  If not, I’m wearing a green shirt and light beige shorts 🙂1st BJJ Tourney