Hey, it’s been a while since you’ve gotten a #BJJ pic from me…figured I’d give everyone a break from seeing my tomato red face! Anyway, I’m proud to report that I had a Dr appointment this week, and she said my blood pressure was down and I had lost 2 pounds! That makes me super happy!!! I also think my lungs are remembering how to breathe, I wasn’t completely wrecked from the warm up! Still have a long ways to go to get back to where I was, but I’m gonna celebrate every little improvement! Must #akf! #ontheroadtopurplebelt #acl #aclrecovery (at Satori Academy of Martial Arts NJ)

So….my grand exercise plan for this week was waylaid by a horrible head cold. Grr. But I did manage a variety of things this week, including working on (ewww) prep for school, spending a day with my niece and nephew, cooking real food, a day relaxing at the beach, and I finally got to train today. My body feels like jelly, and I had to give myself a stern talking to to get me there, but I did!!

Oh, and I have the beginnings of a bruise on my right arm–sign of a good training day!!

#bjj #acl #aclrecovery #aclsurgery #training #ontheroadtopurplebelt (at Satori Academy of Martial Arts NJ)

If I was willing to make a video, I would have, because when I got in my car Carry on My Wayward Son was on the radio. But I won’t do that without a prewritten script, so…no. Maybe one day.

In any case, look at that hair!!!! I knew I wasn’t going to be around Friday night, so I made sure to go on Wednesday, so I still got two days in. Next week I’m aiming for three days and at least one day at home doing something– probably strength training because I enjoy that, so it’s easier to get the motivation to do that at home.

I’m slowly starting to remember how to breathe. I didn’t feel totally smashed after our rolls at the end of class…it helped that I had a fantastic first match and rode that through the other two matches.

#bjj #training #ACL #surgeryrecovery #ACLrecovery #ontheroadtopurplebelt #carryonmywaywardson #akf (at Edison, New Jersey)