He’s back


I needed a break from Sam’s Fear. It wasn’t coming together. So I wrote a tiny drabble just to get some words out…

Sam burst into the room, the door slamming against the wall.
Dean jumped up off the hotel bed, whirling toward the door, drawing his gun

“What the fuck, Sam! I almost shot you!” Dean lowered his
gun, and sat back down on the bed.

“I wish you would have,” said Sam slowly, as he dragged his
feet, slumping down into the nearest chair. He kicked off his shoes and stared
at the floor.

“You wish I – what?” Dean furrowed his brow and stood up
again walking closer. He sat on the edge of the bed, placing a hand on Sam’s
knee. Instinctively, Sam cringed and pulled away. Dean quickly lifted his hand
and moved back.

“Sam? What’s going on?”

“It’s happening again Dean, and I don’t know how to stop it.”
Sam kept his eyes closed, and Dean noticed he was shaking.

Dean spoke slowly and calmly. “Sam, what’s happening again?”
He stayed close, but didn’t touch his brother, making sure Sam was comfortable.

Sam took a deep breath.

“Lucifer. He’s back. And he won’t leave me alone.”

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Waaahhh!! My Samoose!!!!


God Knows I Am Dissonance

Summary: 13.21 coda. Jack has a meltdown and Sam is there. 

Pairing: Gen

Word Count: 770

Written for @spnangstbingo

Square Filled: Anxiety Attack


Jack doesn’t stay to ask how Lucifer got there, doesn’t want to find out what Lucifer has to say to him and doesn’t want to know what Lucifer did to make Sam look so ashamed. Hatred bubbles up in him, bile-sour, and he turns on his heel to escape deeper into the camp. 

Thunder booms overhead and it begins to rain. Jack plunks down at the base of a tree and draws his legs to his chest, hugging himself and willing Lucifer to disappear. Maybe go back to whatever corner of Hell he crawled out of. Tears burn Jack’s eyes and spill hot over his cheeks. Wind rustles the canopy overhead. 

Lucifer hurt his family– Mary and Cas and Dean and especially Sam, Jack knows, Jack can tell. The specifics aren’t there and Jack is okay with not knowing them, but it’s clear Lucifer has created a world of pain, and Jack can’t begin to understand how anyone can care about him, love him, when he’s undeniably connected to someone so evil. 

How can he be good, being spawned from that? 

Jack buries his head in his knees and releases his grief in quiet sobs and the increasing downpour. 

A few minutes go by before the sound of muddy footsteps draws near. 

“Hey, Jack.” 

Jack glances up, hastily wiping his eyes with the heels of his hands; Sam stands a couple yards away, bloody but without any wounds. The rain has wetted the dried blood on his face, washing some of it away. His hair sticks to his skin in dripping strands. He looks sad. 

“Can I sit?” Sam asks. 

Jack nods, and the rain lights up a little as Sam comes closer and settles down heavily in front of him. Jack remembers when they first met– first really met– in that prison cell. It feels like lifetimes have passed. 

“This isn’t how things were supposed to go,” Sam admits. “And I’m sorry.” 

Jack grits his teeth against the emotion surging up in him and fails miserably. More tears well up and he ducks his head so Sam can’t see. 

He thinks of Lucifer facing the rest of his family back in the main clearing. He should be there, he shouldn’t have run away. He feels so helpless, so overcome with anger and fear, that he starts to tremble.

“Hey, hey.” Sam leans forward and brushes Jack’s hair away from his face. “It’s alright. C’mon, look at me.” 

When Jack doesn’t look, Sam tilts Jack’s head up with his fingertips. 

“I won’t let him hurt you.” Sam speaks with a kind of conviction that Jack hadn’t thought possible. 

“I should’ve kept you from him,” Jack protests. “He– he’s hurt you. And I didn’t stop it.” 

“You’re a kid, Jack,” Sam insists. “Nephilim or not, you’re a kid. I don’t expect you to protect me. That’s not your responsibility.” 

Jack thinks it is, because power like his is pointless if he can’t use it to protect loved ones. He’s useless if he can’t save the person who saved him, the one person who believed in him from the beginning. 

“I’m sorry,” Jack whispers. He’s impossibly weak, still shaking, still crying, and he isn’t sure if he’ll ever be able to stop. 

“Jack, it’s okay.” Sam scoots closer and rests his hand on Jack’s knee. It’s a stabilizing kind of pressure. “Breathe.”  

Jack’s lower lip quivers and he can’t tell if more tears are coming or if it’s just the rain. The relief of Sam being alive and the multitude of feelings about Lucifer arriving has sent him for a tailspin, and it’s a struggle to get control back. He unfolds himself and Sam pulls him into his arms.

“You’re okay,” Sam murmurs. “I’ve got you.”

Jack presses his cheek to Sam’s chest, inhaling the scent of pine and dirt and rain and blood. He listens to the reassuring thudthudthud of Sam’s heart, so blessedly alive. Sam is here. Everything is going to be alright because he’s here

“Are…” Jack sniffs. “Are you okay?” 

Sam huffs out a bit of a laugh. “Yeah,” he says. Jack thinks it’s a lie. “Well, I– I will be.” 

Jack nods and allows himself to be comforted, taking deep breaths as Sam instructs him to. 

“You know he’s not my father,” he says, slightly muffled from the fabric of Sam’s jacket. 

“I know.” 

“And you know…” Jack trails off, not sure if it’s something he can speak aloud. “You…” 

“I know that too,” Sam says. Even though Jack hadn’t finished the thought, he has no doubt Sam understands what had been on the tip of his tongue. 





The Okeanos Explorer has discovered a very cute octopus at a depth of 4,290 metres.

This is the deepest an octopus of this particular sub order of octopus has ever been seen. 

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration noted this is a completely unsubscribed species and perhaps not belonging to any specific genus. Highlighting how little we still know about the creatures in the depths of our oceans.

(Ocean Explorer)

@formidablepassion @unforth-ninawaters @mayalaen


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@tisfan 😍



I should have known that nothing good was coming my way when a devil turned the corner and started walking towards me.  Before the devil could reach me, however, confetti fell from the sky and those annoying noisemakers you get at New Year’s started blaring all over.  It was so loud I was stunned and saw stars for a moment.  I started laughing hysterically, because, I mean, seriously, what else is a Taurus like me supposed to do in this situation?  I’ll tell you, you run back into the pizza shop you just came from to finish your pizza.  Avoid your hallucinations at all costs, I say!

Of course, hallucinations are not likely to cooperate, as once I entered the pizza shop, there were owls flying all over the dining room, dropping envelopes with invitations to a salsa party down the block.  The devil entered the pizza shop and offered to make me a deal:  the bag of cash the devil was holding for an invitation to the salsa party.  It seemed like a fair trade to me, so I clapped my hands together and made the trade.  After giving the bag a serious case of side eye, sure it was going to disappear, I sat, exhausted, and considered that perhaps there had been some special ingredients in my pizza.


I’m bored!

And this is really a combination of @theriverscribe‘s and caffeine’s fault…

Send me some random emojis and I’ll write a nonsensical story about them…might end up looking something like this:


Take the rocket to the drum party, where all the females will do cartwheels and drink champagne.

Meanwhile, the tricksters will take the rainbow bridge to the comet and capture the fire from it’s tail.  This will cause the comet explode and it will burn up through our atmosphere, appearing as shooting stars.  The moon will be of two minds of this event, and a dove will deliver an olive branch to a tiny dancer.  This will be the sign to live long and prosper, and we will finally sign the peace treaty with the Martians, while drinking in a bar in the wild west, with redundant gay cowboys

@ladylilithprime @whinywingedwinchester @thequeervet @talkingtomyselfagain @sageclover61 @dreamhunter-trash @scrollingkingfisher 


My Asexual Story, 2018.

Another little autobiographical comic I whipped together (this was drawn in like two hours tops so don’t judge the drawings lmao). To clarify, I am in a happy long-term committed relationship with a non-ace girl and we’re both very happy with our relationship, and I have never had bad experiences with relationships because of my asexuality. Being ace isn’t a big deal to me – I barely think about it – but asexuality is something that a lot of people seem to have trouble fully understanding, so I wanted to take some time to describe it the way I see it in my life and from my perspective. Every story is different – here’s mine.

I know I’ve posted this before, but it makes me so happy!!!!



for @thequeervet and his amazing fic, We’re All A Little Broken Inside, again 🙂 

this amazing as hell piece of writing can be found here:

FACE NOMS AND PETS TO BOTH @thequeervet and @whinywingedwinchester for their inspirational and emotional work!!!

Do I Worry chapter 10



“Hi Gabriel!” Anna said, waving to me with her free arm. Anna was the other pretty redhead in my life lately. She had the softest looking copper hair I had ever seen. The idea of running my hands through it ran through my mind every time I saw her. She was standing in the doorway to the Little Angels daycare center with Castiel on her hip. He didn’t look very happy.

“Hey buddy! How was your day?” I hurried over with open arms and Anna passed Cas to me. I petted his hair and tried to get him to smile by pretend pinching his cheek. He turned his face away sharply, blue eyes misty.

– – –

Read it here on Ao3!

The fic summary:

Gabriel’s got enough to deal with, moving and raising his baby brother Cas. When Cas’s “imaginary” little friend Sammy shows up on their doorstep, though, things get complicated fast.