Sastiel/s9/ wing!kink! Cas gets hit with a spell that makes his wings manifest physically and Sam wants to touch them so badly.


Sam can’t stop staring at them – the way they protrude from Castiel’s broad shoulders; God, they look soft. “Does – does it hurt when they come out like that?” he finally asks.

Castiel smiles, shaking his head. “No, Sam. It’s just a little pressure. Nothing I can’t handle, to be honest. Would you like to feel them?”

Sam swallows hard. “Is – is that allowed? Like, it won’t hurt you or anything?”

“No, definitely not. On the contrary, it feels nice when someone touches them. Go on – – I promise it’s okay.”

Sam reaches out, letting his fingers brush just over the tip of the wing, and yeah – it might be the softest thing he’s ever freakin’ felt. “Wow, how come you don’t let this out more often?”

Castiel shrugs. “As you can see, they take up a fair bit of room.” He reaches his own hand out, fingers grazing Sam’s hair. “You’re very beautiful…”

Sam’s eyes widen, his cheeks hot. “W-What?” His finger stop, resting lightly on the feather.

“I’ve been meaning to say that for years, Sam Winchester.”