

Okay, episode good points:

  • Mary and alt!Bobby!
  • Sam and Jack father/son vibe!
  • Lucifer revealed to be exactly the sick and twisted assbutt we all know and loathe!
  • Sam being all protective of Jack!
  • Lucifer dead, and Sam helped do it!
  • Jack and Sam are still alive!

Episode not-so-good points:

  • Sam in the unenviable position of having to explain why this universe is supposed to be better than the “Apocalypse Happened” world.
  • Jack, no, self-destructive tendencies are not what you should be inheriting from your Dad.
  • Lucifer still managing to twist Jack up with his lies.
  • Alt!Michael.
  • Dean, you self-sacrificing idjit.
  • Sam, you self-sacrificing idjit!!
  • Alt!Michael is now running loose in his True Vessel.

Points not covered by the episode which could go either way:

  • Death is keeping tabs on the Winchesters.
  • Angels are essentially “extinct in the wild”.
  • Too many people dying out of turn or coming back to life upsets Fate, resulting in the sudden need to “redress the scales”.

And now we have alt!Michael running around in a slightly ragged but still never-been-worn Dean!suit. Call me cynical, but I don’t see alt!Michael being all that concerned over saving the angels, given his previous evidence of crazy lack of concern over killing his brothers.

On the other hand, Dean is finally taking his turn as an “angel condom” and will hopefully come out of the experience with a lot more respect for Sam’s autonomy and strength of will. Additionally, while the Bunker Brigade is going to be Very Unhappy about having a crazy Archangel running around wearing Dean, this is more of a chance for Sam and Jack to bond, Sam and Mary to bond, Jack and Castiel to bond…. Basically, it opens up a lot of bonding possibilities without everyone revolving around Dean’s presence. (His absence, on the other hand….)

Essentially, I’m cautiously hopeful for season fourteen and the cast’s assertion that Sam and Dean will be taking a step back from their unhealthy codependency dynamic. Whether optimistic character growth or soul-crushing wankery wins out, well… Guess we’ll find out in September!




13.22 // Penance Denied

I usually don’t put comments on other people’s sets but the fact that there are people in the tags trashing Sam over this: I wonder how many times Sam pleaded with Lucifer to stop when Lucifer was torturing and raping and abusing him in the cage?? I wonder how many times he’s silently pleaded when he was experiencing flashbacks and how he’s been haunted for years by Lucifer – his abuser – the same devil who has maimed and killed others as well all for selfish reasons and because he’s genuinely evil? Being mad at Sam for trying to protect his family from Lucifer and for being able to finally stand up to his abuser after everything he’s done is literally shaming the victim and it sickens me. Lucifer deserved worse; Sam did what he had to do by shoving him back and making sure he nor Michael followed him through the rift. 

He should have actually stabbed him first, then shoved him dead on the ground, IMO.  Good riddance.