Do I Worry chapter 26: Camp Out


“Man, you wouldn’t even recognize the life I had before all of this. Before the diapers and the daycare. I had a life. I was out partying it up with girls, drinking myself out. Dad couldn’t handle life and honestly…I couldn’t handle mine. When I got that letter, I was alternating between yakking up my drinks and reading it.”

Gabriel shifted to look at me, pulling on a smirk. There was a twinkle in his eyes when he caught me looking at him.

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Up on Ao3!

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Gabriel’s got enough to deal with, moving and raising his baby brother Cas. When Cas’s “imaginary” little friend Sammy shows up on their doorstep, though, things get complicated fast.

Do I Worry chapter 25: Pancakes


The cuteness of the two brothers hugging had melted my internal organs. After we — mostly Dean — ate all the pies, the kids went to Cas’s room to burn off some sugar. We skipped ice cream for now. Which left me and the handsome teenager sitting on the couch. Alone.

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Up on Ao3!

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Gabriel’s got enough to deal with, moving and raising his baby brother Cas. When Cas’s “imaginary” little friend Sammy shows up on their doorstep, though, things get complicated fast.

Do I Worry chapter 12: Baby


Okay. Think positive, Gabe. Dean won’t have a chance to sleep with the babysitter. I shut the laptop and rubbed my forehead. Could I call out? I’d just gotten done taking time off to move, so that’d probably get me fired. I glanced over at Dean again. I barely knew him. I couldn’t leave Cas alone with him. I’d have to think up a plan while we moved the car.

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Read it on Ao3!


Title: Entertaining Strangers
Author: domesticadventures
Artist: kuwlshadow
Rating: M
Length: 30,000 words
Pairings: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: None

Summary: There are angels all over the country. Dean has seen them on street corners, met them in bars, taken them to bed. He never expected to wind up with one sleeping on his couch, but he supposes stranger things have happened.

Link to fic
Link to art