Hello! I’m your Sastiel Week Anon (sorry about the delay! đź’™) I just wanted to check and make sure there was anything you might want me to write (or not write!) just let me know!

Yaaaayyyy!!! Oh I was worried, I was afraid Tumblr had eaten you!! I am so glad that it did not!! *Hands my awesome anon whom Tumblr did not eat a moose stuffie*

ummm I love powers!Sam and I love A/B/O (but I know that squicks some people so no pressure) and hurt/comfort and winged!Sam!! I’d prefer mostly sfw but really just nothing explicit. I… don’t know if those are the same?? Otherwise, I will happily eat….errr….consume…..err…read…anything!!


What is it?

It’s an anonymous love week (everyone who enters will be assigned someone to send anonymous sastiel headcanons to and someone will send them anonymous sastiel headcanons too for the duration of the week)

How does is it work?

  • We will randomly match everyone using an online matching generator
  • You will get a URL in your askbox from me August 17-18th
  • The Sastiel Love Week will be held August 20th-26th

How to participate?

  • Reblog this post before August 15th
  • Please put in the tags if you are ok with nsfw or would rather be sent and send sfw content only
  • Follow the Sastiel Love Week Blog (We’ll be reblogging people’s headcanons there during the week)


  • Headcanons can be as long or short as you want, just make sure to send and publish at least one headcanon a day (you can use ask box or submit (directions on how to submit anonymously here) )
  • At the end of the week you can come off anon if you want to (but it’s totally optional)
  • Please tag any messages you receive as “#Sastiel Love Week” (with spaces) in the first 5 tags of each headcanon so we can reblog it to the blog (and you may want to track the tag so you can enjoy other people’s headcanons too)

Theme suggestions: (you don’t have to follow these but they might be fun)

  • Monday (20th): Firsts
  • Tuesday (21st):  AU (reverse verse, all human, all angels, a/b/o, coffee shop, college, hs, etc)
  • Wednesday (22nd): Outsider pov or day in the life
  • Thursday (23rd): Angst (break ups, misunderstandings,  helping each other deal with their trauma (bc we all know they have a lot), etc.)
  • Friday (24th): Just couple things™ aka Sam and Cas being in a healthy relationship and just being great boyfriends
  • Saturday (25th): Episode related (what you think will happen in the next season, things we missed, what you wish happened, etc)
  • Sunday (26th):   Domestic or Future!fic aka let them be happy™

Questions? Feel free to ask!