Sastiel Love Week 2018 – Chapter 1 – flightoftheseraph – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]

Chapters: 7/7
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Castiel/Sam Winchester, Jack Kline & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Jack Kline & Sam Winchester
Characters: Castiel, Sam Winchester, Jack Kline
Additional Tags: First Dates, Fluff, Sastiel Love Week, Alternate Universe – Fantasy, Centaur Sam, Human Castiel, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Sam Winchester, Omega Castiel, Office AU, Caring Castiel, Castiel is a Sweetheart, Sad Sam Winchester, Past Relationship(s), Angel Sam Winchester, Fallen Angel Sam Winchester, Hurt Sam Winchester, Hunter Castiel, Domestic Fluff, Adoption, Injured Castiel, Case Fic, Hellhounds, Sam Winchester’s Demonic Powers, Supportive Castiel, Trans Sam Winchester, Trans Male Sam Winchester, Aromantic Asexual Castiel (Supernatural), Aromantic Sam Winchester, Non-Binary Castiel (Supernatural)

All my stories for Sastiel Love Week 2018, for Karategirl80 ❤

Day #1 Firsts
Day #2 Alternate Universe
Day #3 ABO Dynamics
Day #4 Reverse Verse
Day #5 Domestic/Future Fic
Day #6 Episode Related
Day #7 Couples Things

Read the awesome fics my Sastiel Love Week (not-so) Anon wrote!!!

Sastiel Love Week 2018 – Chapter 1 – flightoftheseraph – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]

Sastiel Love Week Day III (Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics) Alpha!Sam and Omega!Cas. Office AU.

Castiel was not trying to court the most attractive Alpha in the office. Especially not after that same Alpha’s recent breakup with his not so wonderful ex-mate.

He didn’t have a crush on Sam Winchester, no he just enjoyed his company it was nothing more than that, he assured himself.

He was already a complete and utter mess at this job anyways and as much as he didn’t want to face it he’d only kept going because Sam was so wonderful and kind, not to mention sweet.

Castiel sighed and tried to organize his scattered papers, he was halfway through that particular task when he was interrupted, again.

He sighed and picked up the phone, took notes that the caller requested and made a mental note to ask Sam later if he was available for a meeting next Thursday. He sighed, straightened his glasses and huffed, this secretary job was not suitable for him it seemed.

Castiel began to reorganize his desk again when the door opened suddenly, the room filled with the sharp scent of and Castiel turned his head to find Sam standing right in front of him.

“Are you okay?” He asked the taller Alpha, trying not to get distracted by his scent. He was truly unprofessional, he commented mentally.

Sam huffed, his face softened once he saw Castiel, Castiel tried not to blush. Sam’s sunflower eyes were warm and soft, despite the obvious sadness behind them. He adjusted his bag and smiled softly.

“My ex-mate, Gadreel, is just making my life a living hell again,” Sam said, Castiel was at a loss for words.

“I’m sorry Sam, you don’t deserve that,” Castiel said, as he winced internally how awkward that sounded.

“Thank you, Castiel,” Sam said softly, “The worst of it is over, I can deal with it  I just have to deal with it for now,” his eyes full of sadness. Castiel didn’t know what to say so he nodded and looked at the floor.

Sam made his way into his office and closed the door quietly behind him

He wanted to do something kind, even though his heart screamed at him and he stopped before his mind could imagine impossible fantasies.

Sam wouldn’t want to mate with something like him, but he could still cheer him up. He thought at his desk for the rest of the day. The day was quiet after that and Castiel devised his plan, he hated to see Sam so unhappy and brooding.

He had to do something.

Every day from then on Castiel left notes. Each one with with small gifts attached. Things like flowers to decorate Sam’s office and other small pants he could take care of easily. Castiel was even able to find a beautiful print that he could hang on the wall.

Sam seemed to cheer up visibly and Castiel’s heart warmed, he still greeted the Alpha every morning and he even his tone seemed much brighter.

Castiel didn’t leave his name, there were plenty of Omegas in the office who could possibly be leaving Sam’s gifts. Though he wasn’t much for participating in gossip, he was chuckled softly when he heard the small hushed conversations around the office trying to figure out who was sending Sam the mysterious gifts.

Sam cheered up more and Castiel was pleased, one day he saw him carrying one of the small succulents home. The next day after that, Sam is holding the beautiful sunflower Castiel bought from the newspaper vendor outside their building.

Several weeks later. Sam is already doing much better, he and Gadreel are “officially” broken up, as Sam tells Castiel one morning in passing.

Castiel finds an unusual note on his desk, it’s rare he gets notes that aren’t work related. There’s a small flower in a beautiful flower pot, with a small note attached which took the Omega’s breath away as he read it.

Thank you Cas – Sam, Castiel smiled and held the tiny flower to his chest and placed it on the perfect spot on his desk. 


(I am sorry for being so late with this! I hope to have all of them sent by today or tomorrow! I hope you like it💙)


I loves it sooooo much!!!!!!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

Sastiel Love Week Day IV Angst (Fallen Angel!Sam/Hunter!Castiel)

Castiel had been scanning the local papers. His brain turned to mush as the black ink began to mush together into a ineligible scribbles. He wiped his eyes.

He was exhausted.

His phone was beeping and chirping with alerts from various news sites. Discussing the strange phenomena he’d been following for days.

The other hunters called him foolish, even the ones who usually had his back. Castiel sighed.

He had narrowed it down, checked every book he knew and crossed every list for every creature.

He was certain this was a fallen angel, or an angel being cast out of Heaven. He knew the angels were trying to keep themselves hidden, he’d heard their transmissions and all the biblical signs made everything almost crystal clear. The transmissions were even more convincing, whatever creature was trying to contact him was certainly desperate.

All the signs had pointed to an abandoned property just outside of town, Castiel was certain that all signs lead here, it seemed like a genuine dead end but after all this work he wasn’t going to be so easily shaken.

Castiel drives down the dusty road, arriving at the lake at the edge of the abandoned property. The transmitter he fashioned to pick up angelic communications is ringing and chirping non-stop and he quickly grabs the device and shoves it in his pocket as he exits the car.

He pulls the flashlight from his glove box, along with his bag of hunting supplies. Castiel takes a deep breath and he heads inside the house.

The house is pitch black, save a soft glow emanating from the remains of what used to be a living room. Castiel tightens the grip on the flashlight and his right hand grazing the flashlight.

In the wreckage of the kitchen stands a winged figure, who slowly turns to the nervous hunter. He’s covered in blood and his face is contorted in pain.

Castiel almost doesn’t notice the giant wings until they twitch and protectively curl around the large man. The dusty brown feather are soaking in a glowing liquid that Castiel cannot identify.

Castiel pulls his gaze away and he lowers his gun and stares at the sad hazel eyes staring back at him. The voice sounding ancient and tired, the words sound alien in his mouth.

“Help me, please..” He says desperately.

Castiel stares, eyes wide, his hands shake as he struggles with what to do. He places his bag on the floor and reaches out to steady the angel by the shoulder. His eyes go half lidded and he begins to sway.

Castiel reaches out quickly and guides the poor angel to a crumpled sitting position on the dusty floor. He passes out then, leaning on the broken kitchen cabinets. His long hair falls in front of him as his head droops.

The hunter just gawks. There are cuts and scrapes all over his face. No one has yet to take notice of this hurt angel yet so Castiel quickly gets into his truck and heads to the nearest drug store at breakneck speed.

In a blur , Castiel raids the first aid aisle of the drug store, the clerk raises his eyebrow but doesn’t say much of anything went Castiel slams down five dollar bill and tells him to keep the change before dashing back to his car.

Please don’t be dead, Castiel thinks as he breaks several speeding laws to get back to the abandoned house.

Castiel opens the door quietly and he’s shocked to find the angel now awake and staring at him from the floor with soft glowing eyes. 

“I thought you… left,” He says simply, his tone verging on heart breaking. Tear tracts are visible in the layers of blood and dirt. The words are strained.

“No, I didn’t, ” Castiel says simply. He takes out his supplies from the bag, the angel stares at him quizzically, his wings twitch.

Castiel stares at angel for several moments, “Do you have a name?” He says softly, the angel looks at him with tired eyes, “Samael,” He says.

“It’s just first aid supplies,” Castiel says as he begins to get the supplies together. The angel’s eyes go wide, Castiel pinches his face, “This will sting,”

Castiel quietly cleaned Samael’s wounds, they both said nothing. Samael winced occasionally, his wings shifted in pain.

Very soon Castiel manages to get Sam to follow him to his truck, the angel climbs inside and soon Castiel is on the road, headed back to his house in the woods to help the poor angel in need.


Sastiel Love Week, August 2018 – Chapter 1 – LadyShadowphyre – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]


August 2018 Sastiel Love Week collection. Individual day summaries and warnings will be in the notes before each chapter.

Day I, Firsts: The Naming Of Names
Day II, AU: Trade a Smile With Someone Who’s Blue
Day III, Outsider POV: Never Had A Full House
Day IV, Angst: Tempting You And All The Earth
Day V, Just Couple Things: Which Side Are You On?
Day VI, Episode Related: Bring It On Home
Day VII, Domestic: You Know It’s Only Natural

Sastiel Love Week, August 2018 – Chapter 1 – LadyShadowphyre – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]

Sastiel Love Week Day II AUs (Centaur Sam)


(Hi there!, I was going to continue posting each day and try to stick to the themes even after Sastiel Love Week ends because I started kind of late! I hope that’s okay with you! 💙)

Castiel walked through the woods, these trails were popular but not at this time in late fall. It got too cold and most people tended to avoid these rural trails.

But Castiel didn’t mind, he was of course, here to see Sam. Today was the Spring Equinox

Sam was a centaur that lived and protected these woods.

Castiel had seen him one evening when he was walking through the trail. However he could only appear at certain times of the year, during either a solstice or an equinox.

Most people believed this area to either haunted or blessed, but no one really knew what lay  dormant here but Castiel was lucky enough to have met Sam and he had been drawn to him.

Castiel walked through the underbrush and into the clearing, water bubbled at a small spring, frost had settled in the early morning and it dusted the forest beautifully. Castiel watched the sunrise on the horizon, cresting perfectly and shining beautifully across the sky.

From the edge of the treeline Sam emerged, his movements were so surreal. Even though Castiel had seen him so many times he was shocked every time. Sam was much taller than he was, his lower half was that of a moose and he had brilliant large antlers. Above his waist he was human, his hair was long and around his ears was a wreath of dark green ferns.

Castiel waved and Sam smiled brightly as he trotted forward to Castiel and he kneeled and sat down in the grass so they were almost at eye level with one another. Castiel’s heart glowed, and gave Sam a fierce hug, which the centaur gladly returned. Castiel sat in the wet grass next to Sam.

How are you?, Sam’s voice hummed quietly in his head, Castiel was still stunned when they communicate telepathically.

I’m well Sam, it’s nice to see you again, Castiel replied back.

Sam nodded, his hazel eyes glowed softly in the early morning and his smiled.

Sam told Castiel stories of the woods and all the things he’s seen and Castiel told Sam about his normal mortal life. Sam hung onto every word as he listened to Castiel in his own head.

The entire day was the most peaceful silence with nothing but the sounds the woods living around them before the moon appeared on the horizon and Sam stood and embraced Castiel once more. Castiel couldn’t hide the tears clouding his eyes as he hugged Sam goodbye.

Sam stood up, now towering above Castiel, trotting back into the woods he turned towards Castiel and smiled before he faded into the night.

Castiel held the necklace tightly around his neck, it was a leaf from Sam’s wreath of flowers that never rotted or needed to be taken care of, his only reminder of Sam until the next solstice in the winter. 

OMG THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!! I LOVE MOOSE CENTAUR SAM!!!  I wanna take him home with me….hmmm..I don’t think he’d fit in my condo…oh well I’d figure it out!

And that works fine, wonderful Sastiel Anon!!! I think an extension of Sastiel Love week sounds FANTABULOUS!!!

@sastielloveweek​  Hi!  I’m tagging you in this because apparently Tumblr won’t let any of my posts show up in tag searches, either. 😦

Sastiel Love Week Day I (Firsts) – First Date


Sam was so worried and excited, the nerves bubbled in his stomach and his made his hands shake but at the same time he was trying his best to keep calm. He didn’t want his date to think he was a nervous mess.

Sam had never imagined he would actually be able to get to this point. He thought Castiel didn’t care much for him, or even knew who he was, but he had accepted his offer for a date happily and, even Sam thought naively.

Sam thought about the future, maybe if this went well they could even go on a second date and then start dating officially.

You’re foolish, Sam thinks to himself, but even the chance that this might work out, that they might even have a second date is enough to keep him focused the evening.

Sam had prepared everything and he thinks, momentarily, that Castiel would think he was trying to hard or overbearing. But at the same time he might would think it was sweet and charming. Should he bring the flowers? Was that too much?

Sam stared frustratingly at the flowers he’d gotten earlier that day. He didn’t know what do and he put his head in his hands and sat on his bed.

He had exactly two hours to decide and he just wanted to crawl into bed and pretend the entire thing was a dream.

Still ran his hands over his face, sitting here would only make things worse right? Plus he didn’t want to disappoint Castiel or, worse, or stand him up.

He showered, got dressed in a the nicest shirt he could find. Sam grabbed his phone, tucked his wallet into his back pocket and tucked the bouquet of flowers under his arm and headed towards the restaurant.


Sam meets Castiel at a local restaurant and he could hardly believe his eyes when he sees his date.

Castiel was wearing a wonderfully bright sweater  that matched his blue eyes and Sam was at loses for words almost instantly.

With nervous shaking hands Sam handed the bouquet to Castiel and watched his bright light up even brighter. Castiel stared shocked before his face broke out into a huge smile. Castiel thanked him  and stared graciously at the bouquet of flowers.

They sat and Sam’s nerves quickly bubbling away as they were able to easily talk. The food was excellent for diner food and Castiel listened to everything Sam said with interest he rarely saw from anyone. Even when he talked about his love for cooking healthy food and his crime shows. Castiel smiled brightly the whole time and even talked about his favourite tv shows. The conversation was easy and just peaceful, and Sam found time flew by until the sun was setting.

They paid for dinner and Sam stood near the door, he had to walk home and he wasn’t sure how to end their date. Despite how well it went he was tongue tied but thankfully Castiel spoke up.

“Thank you Sam, I enjoyed this night a lot,” He said with another sunshine smile and Sam’s heart soared.

“I think we should go out another time,” He clutched the bouquet of flowers to his chest gratefully.

Sam smiled, he thought he misheard but he nodded rapidly, he didn’t trust himself to speak.

Castiel smiled, “I’ll message you when I’m free,”

Sam nodded, “Sounds great,” He was trying to settle his breathing because this seemed like a dream.

Castiel left and Sam let out a breath he wasn’t realized he was holding. He smiled brightly to himself as he walked home hardly believing this evening had been real.

Awwww!!!! Sam is so anxious!!! I feel you buddy!!! Like, why did I decide to do this I must have been crazy?  This is so cuuuuttteee!!!! 😀 

@sastielloveweek  Hi!  I’m tagging you in this because apparently Tumblr won’t let any of my posts show up in tag searches, either. 😦

Sastiel Love Week Day II AUs (Centaur Sam)

(Hi there!, I was going to continue posting each day and try to stick to the themes even after Sastiel Love Week ends because I started kind of late! I hope that’s okay with you! 💙)

Castiel walked through the woods, these trails were popular but not at this time in late fall. It got too cold and most people tended to avoid these rural trails.

But Castiel didn’t mind, he was of course, here to see Sam. Today was the Spring Equinox

Sam was a centaur that lived and protected these woods.

Castiel had seen him one evening when he was walking through the trail. However he could only appear at certain times of the year, during either a solstice or an equinox.

Most people believed this area to either haunted or blessed, but no one really knew what lay  dormant here but Castiel was lucky enough to have met Sam and he had been drawn to him.

Castiel walked through the underbrush and into the clearing, water bubbled at a small spring, frost had settled in the early morning and it dusted the forest beautifully. Castiel watched the sunrise on the horizon, cresting perfectly and shining beautifully across the sky.

From the edge of the treeline Sam emerged, his movements were so surreal. Even though Castiel had seen him so many times he was shocked every time. Sam was much taller than he was, his lower half was that of a moose and he had brilliant large antlers. Above his waist he was human, his hair was long and around his ears was a wreath of dark green ferns.

Castiel waved and Sam smiled brightly as he trotted forward to Castiel and he kneeled and sat down in the grass so they were almost at eye level with one another. Castiel’s heart glowed, and gave Sam a fierce hug, which the centaur gladly returned. Castiel sat in the wet grass next to Sam.

How are you?, Sam’s voice hummed quietly in his head, Castiel was still stunned when they communicate telepathically.

I’m well Sam, it’s nice to see you again, Castiel replied back.

Sam nodded, his hazel eyes glowed softly in the early morning and his smiled.

Sam told Castiel stories of the woods and all the things he’s seen and Castiel told Sam about his normal mortal life. Sam hung onto every word as he listened to Castiel in his own head.

The entire day was the most peaceful silence with nothing but the sounds the woods living around them before the moon appeared on the horizon and Sam stood and embraced Castiel once more. Castiel couldn’t hide the tears clouding his eyes as he hugged Sam goodbye.

Sam stood up, now towering above Castiel, trotting back into the woods he turned towards Castiel and smiled before he faded into the night.

Castiel held the necklace tightly around his neck, it was a leaf from Sam’s wreath of flowers that never rotted or needed to be taken care of, his only reminder of Sam until the next solstice in the winter. 

OMG THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!! I LOVE MOOSE CENTAUR SAM!!!  I wanna take him home with me….hmmm..I don’t think he’d fit in my condo…oh well I’d figure it out!

And that works fine, wonderful Sastiel Anon!!! I think an extension of Sastiel Love week sounds FANTABULOUS!!!

Sastiel Love Week Day I (Firsts) – First Date

Sam was so worried and excited, the nerves bubbled in his stomach and his made his hands shake but at the same time he was trying his best to keep calm. He didn’t want his date to think he was a nervous mess.

Sam had never imagined he would actually be able to get to this point. He thought Castiel didn’t care much for him, or even knew who he was, but he had accepted his offer for a date happily and, even Sam thought naively.

Sam thought about the future, maybe if this went well they could even go on a second date and then start dating officially.

You’re foolish, Sam thinks to himself, but even the chance that this might work out, that they might even have a second date is enough to keep him focused the evening.

Sam had prepared everything and he thinks, momentarily, that Castiel would think he was trying to hard or overbearing. But at the same time he might would think it was sweet and charming. Should he bring the flowers? Was that too much?

Sam stared frustratingly at the flowers he’d gotten earlier that day. He didn’t know what do and he put his head in his hands and sat on his bed.

He had exactly two hours to decide and he just wanted to crawl into bed and pretend the entire thing was a dream.

Still ran his hands over his face, sitting here would only make things worse right? Plus he didn’t want to disappoint Castiel or, worse, or stand him up.

He showered, got dressed in a the nicest shirt he could find. Sam grabbed his phone, tucked his wallet into his back pocket and tucked the bouquet of flowers under his arm and headed towards the restaurant.


Sam meets Castiel at a local restaurant and he could hardly believe his eyes when he sees his date.

Castiel was wearing a wonderfully bright sweater  that matched his blue eyes and Sam was at loses for words almost instantly.

With nervous shaking hands Sam handed the bouquet to Castiel and watched his bright light up even brighter. Castiel stared shocked before his face broke out into a huge smile. Castiel thanked him  and stared graciously at the bouquet of flowers.

They sat and Sam’s nerves quickly bubbling away as they were able to easily talk. The food was excellent for diner food and Castiel listened to everything Sam said with interest he rarely saw from anyone. Even when he talked about his love for cooking healthy food and his crime shows. Castiel smiled brightly the whole time and even talked about his favourite tv shows. The conversation was easy and just peaceful, and Sam found time flew by until the sun was setting.

They paid for dinner and Sam stood near the door, he had to walk home and he wasn’t sure how to end their date. Despite how well it went he was tongue tied but thankfully Castiel spoke up.

“Thank you Sam, I enjoyed this night a lot,” He said with another sunshine smile and Sam’s heart soared.

“I think we should go out another time,” He clutched the bouquet of flowers to his chest gratefully.

Sam smiled, he thought he misheard but he nodded rapidly, he didn’t trust himself to speak.

Castiel smiled, “I’ll message you when I’m free,”

Sam nodded, “Sounds great,” He was trying to settle his breathing because this seemed like a dream.

Castiel left and Sam let out a breath he wasn’t realized he was holding. He smiled brightly to himself as he walked home hardly believing this evening had been real.

Awwww!!!! Sam is so anxious!!! I feel you buddy!!! Like, why did I decide to do this I must have been crazy?  This is so cuuuuttteee!!!! 😀