
Sam/Cas WIPs to read on ao3:

  • Out of the Black by hit_the_books. Two years ago, Sam Winchester left his family and moved to the outskirts of Cody, Wyoming in order to protect them from himself.But now Sam’s past is catching up with him and soon he’s going to have to come clean with everyone. No matter the cost. [Explicit, currently at 23k words. Canon-divergence, Powers!Sam, Witch!Sam, Pining, Angst.]
  • The ink in my pen ran dry long before your smile 

    by lammermoorianPrince Sam of Sauville wants only one thing for his college experience: anonymity. Castiel, his bodyguard, just wants the year to go smoothly.

    [Mature, currently at 35k words. College!AU, Mordern Royalty!AU, Bodyguard!AU].

  • Undone by AnOddSock. Sam finds Cas in need of a little extra care and Cas agrees to let him do what he can to ease Cas’s mind and relax his body. [Explicit, currently at 3k words. D/s play, dom!sam, Fluff and Smut.]
  • Atmospheric Pressure by Aedemiel. Rowena’s attack dog spell has other unintended consequences that lead Sam and Cas to re-evaluate their friendship. Afterwards a bread and butter ghost hunt turns nasty and the Winchesters have a mystery to solve. [Teen+, Graphic Descriptions of Violence, currently at 39k words. Casefic.]

Who needs to do anything on a Saturday???