
Story: Teach Your Children by TheRiverScribe
Series: By the Grace of God (Part Ten)

Fandom:  Supernatural
Sam, Dean, Mary, Castiel, Gabriel, Raphael, Morpheus, Sariel, Nuriel, Zadkiel
Ships: Destiel is unfurling her sails (slowest. burn. ever.)
Word Count:  94,413
Status:  UNFINISHED, 11/? chapters

The time has come for Sam to learn how to control his grace.  
But he’s already gone through training as a child once, and he hated it.
Now, Sam will test his own limits–and the limits of everyone around him.

Warnings (CH 11 SPECIFIC)
flashbacks, and as per usual INTENSE EMOTIONAL ANGST!!

Series Summary Below

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*swimming, swimming, in the moose pool…when there is angst, then there are tears, in the moose pool…*




Unlike Lucifer, some angels never fell from heaven willingly – they were pushed.

Baring no sin, these betrayed angels would remain on Earth instead of Hell, becoming dragons; halos broken into horns, feathers charred to scales, and heavenly light breathed out as desperate fire.

Prompts, anyone? @thequeervet @theriverscribe @talkingtomyselfagain

It’s a story! Read it on AO3 or on FFN

Rating: T 

Words 7641

Warnings: The Fall is a little graphic, but that’s it.

Michael found out an entire garrison has been missing since the last battle of Heaven. He’s not entirely sure what to do about it, until one day the fledglings find a dragon at the border of the wards. This is not a dragon like he and his siblings created. Turns out Sahaquiel and her garrison were not as difficult to find as he anticipated.

Everyone knows that the first dragons were made by four inseparable fledglings. They were all baby dragons, because fledglings, even archangel fledglings, want to make things as old as they are. This is truth. This is fact. But this is not the only classification of dragons.

According to the Muggles, the Webster’s English Dictionary says that a dragon is a fabulous mythical monster. The Oxford dictionary adds that it is a giant lizard. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, by Newt Scamander, lists ten species of dragons while a few other sources name a few more. The Men of Letters have a few pieces of lore on dragons, something about their tears being used for time traveling. But they also don’t believe dragons have been seen in at least 700 years. The dragons that the wizard dragonologists study were not the same as the dragons the Men of Letters thought they remembered.

For a moment I would like you to pretend that you have never heard of either. Because what everyone had forgotten, including the archangels themselves, though Lucifer can be pardoned because he had very little to do with it, was that there was a third, or perhaps forth, type of dragon. This new type of dragon was created without conscious decision.

Following Lucifer to Hell willingly was different from cutting out your grace and falling. But something altogether different happened to the blameless angels pushed by their siblings in the mayhem following Lucifer’s Fall.

This is the story of Sahaquiel, her brothers, sisters and siblings, and their road to redemption.


@altyex @talkingtomyselfagain @scrollingkingfisher @dreamhunter-trash @ladylilithprime @karategirl80 @myselllllf @nathyfaith @thallencambricaltran @otherwindow

There are fledglings and dragons, you can’t go wrong!!! *Squeeeeeeee*

Trickster’s Sanctuary – Chapter 6 – sageclover61 – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]


Chapter 6! Sigyn, Loki, and Sleipnir wander the world tree in search of Fenrir. Michael takes Ephraim to Sigyn’s home. Fledgling shenanigans ensue. 

@myselllllf @karategirl80 

Trickster’s Sanctuary – Chapter 6 – sageclover61 – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]



Story: Teach Your Children by TheRiverScribe
Series: By the Grace of God (Part Ten)

Fandom:  Supernatural
Sam, Dean, Mary, Castiel, Gabriel, Raphael, Morpheus, Sariel, Nuriel, Zadkiel
Ships: Destiel is unfurling her sails (slowest. burn. ever.)
Word Count:  81,778
Status:  UNFINISHED, 10/? chapters

The time has come for Sam to learn how to control his grace.  
But he’s already gone through training as a child once, and he hated it.
Now, Sam will test his own limits–and the limits of everyone around him.

Warnings (CH 10 SPECIFIC)
Anxiety attacks, flashbacks, brief moment where Sam thinks he’s hurt Morpheus (he’s fine!), and as per usual INTENSE EMOTIONAL ANGST!!

Series Summary Below

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