

Yes I’m doing this. Why? Because it’s my favorite fanfiction series ever and because you can’t stop me. This is a Supernatural fanfiction by UmbraeCalamitas, or @talkingtomyselfagain here on Tumblr. Before I start ranting about how much I adore this series, this is a Sabriel fanfiction though I recommend you read it even if you don’t like Sabriel just because the actual story is really amazing.

So, Sam is sent back in time by Castiel to try and prevent the Apocalypse from happening and gets sent back further than they (they being Sam, Dean, and Castiel) thought. All the way back to Stanford.

Because he’s just that great of a guy, he immediately gets knocked out and kidnapped by another college student (to be fair, he did just time travel) who then takes him as a sacrifice to Loki. Basically he manages to flirt his way out of being sacrificed (it was extremely entertaining) and then a thing happens. I’m not going to tell you what that thing is because you need to read this for yourself, but this was my not-very-brief summary for you.

Alright now for me talking. I’ve read this series about 5 times now since I first found it, which I’ve never done for any series except Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard. Even then I only read it one other time. This series is just so addictive that I’ve actually gone through it in one sitting. Keep in mind that it is still being written and not yet completed, but don’t let that stop you (I certainly didn’t).

There’s also a spin-off written by @dreamhunter-trash including the characters from Merlin which I absolutely adore. I didn’t know it was possible for me to love fiction characters that much, but it is???

Bennie is the best teacher and I just love all the characters?? Poor Arthur’s job is rough.

There’s also Here, You are Home which I unfortunately haven’t read yet, but am definitely planning to. (It’s Avengers!)

AND THEY HAVE ASK BLOGS?!? @askthecamelotcrew and @askthecadburyegg

I could go on if I knew how to words, but I don’t. All you need to know is I absolutely love this entire universe and highly recommend you read it.

^^all of that


an art collab with @whinywingedwinchester celebrating Sam’s first semester at Stanford in the Become the Beast series by @talkingtomyselfagain