
x, x, x



Sam x Eileen is one of the cutest things. (# ‘ v ‘ #)

(If I got any of the sign language wrong, please let me know! I tried my best with limited online resources, but if I got it wrong please correct me and I’ll be happy to fix it!)

first of all, how dare you

Waah Soo beautiful, my Saileen!! This is the best Valentine’s Day present ever!!!


Cas being relegated to questioning the victim’s six year-old daughter because Dean and Sam don’t want him freaking out her widowed mother. 

Dean walking into Danielle’s room forty-five minutes later to find both her and Cas deep in conversation while working on some crayon drawings. He’s decked out in a sparkly tiara and drawing a gorgeously detailed unicorn while she works on what appears to be a T-Rex. They’re idly chatting about dinosaurs, and it takes a second for Dean to figure out that Castiel is talking about how lovely the diplodocus’s singing voice was. 

“But how do you know?” Dani says. 

“Because I was there,” Cas answers. 

She considers this for a moment before nodding like she knows he’s old, so it makes sense. "So… What was the dipo-diplo–“ 


“Yeah, what was their fav’rit song?" 

"Hmm.” Cas purses his lips. “It’s difficult because there were so many, and everybody had a favourite, but I would have to say… most likely: The Very Gentle Giant. That was very popular in the late Jurassic." 


"Indeed. I’d sing it for you, but human vocal chords would butcher it." 

Dean, leaning against the doorjamb, takes the lull in conversation to clear his throat. It’s a losing battle to stop himself from smiling. "You ready to go, Agent?" 

Castiel looks up and grins back. "Of course.” He gets up and very carefully removes his tiara, stooping to put in on the low table and sign his drawing. “Well, Dani, it was a pleasure to–oof!”

Dani’s little arms attempt to wrap around Castiel’s legs. 

“Thanks for teaching me ‘bout the dinosaurs!” 

“Any time,” Cas says. “And don’t forget to call me if you remember anything, alright? Or if you get scared.”


On the way out of the house, Dean grabs Cas’s hand, tugging him back while Sam gets into the car. He plays with Castiel’s palm as the recently-turned-human frowns. “Dean?”

“Yeah,” Dean replies. He threads their fingers together and squeezes, leaning in to peck him quickly on the mouth. They normally never touch like this while on interviews, so Cas blushes profusely at the contact. 

“What was that for?” he mumbles, dazed as the pads of his fingers move up to graze his own lips. His smile is so goofy, Dean can’t help grinning back.

“Nothing,” he shrugs. Now his cheeks flush. “You just, ah, you just looked real good in there, that’s all. Great job with the kid.”

“Oh, um, thank you.”

“Yeah, no problem.”

They hold hands all the way to the car.

Three Words


A/N: Currently drowning in Saileen feels, so this is the result of that. Enjoy.

Words: 520

Characters: Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy, Dean Winchester

Warnings: fluff, angst

Unbetaed. All mistakes are my own.

“Come on, Sam,” Eileen urged as she held her hand out to him, a blanket tucked under her other arm. Her brown hair was in a messy bun, her face split by a smile, a yellow sundress dancing around her knees.

Sam grabbed the basket and reached out for her outstretched hand, chuckling as she pulled him through the fields to a tree that provided just the right amount of both shade and sunlight.

Keep reading

tangled up in you – awed_frog – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]

Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester
Characters: Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy, Dean Winchester, John Winchester, Lucifer (Supernatural), Sully (Supernatural)
Additional Tags: Sam is a Sweetheart, Eileen is so awesome, Young!Sam, Young!Dean, Young Winchesters, Teen Winchesters, Dean Winchester Takes Care of Sam Winchester, So much love for Baby, some alcohol, Some pot, One mention of PTSD, Sam and Dean talk about girls, (sort of), Falling In Love, First Kiss, Missing Scene, Episode: s12e17 The British Invasion, Coda, Why can’t anyone be happy?, Canon Compliant, (oh that’s why)

“Did I wake you up?” she asks, and then, before he can answer, she signs a short I’m sorry and moves to put the cup in the sink.

“No, I couldn’t sleep,” Sam says, once she’s facing him again.

They stand there, a bit awkwardly, and something in her expression reminds Sam of how pleasant her body had been against his; of how long it’s been since he’s made love to a woman, and how very desperately he wants to kiss her.

tangled up in you – awed_frog – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]