

Androgynous Sam.

Inspired by the great fic Silk by Minchout and more particularly by the sentence: “His jeans were skin tight, tucked into a pair of calf-high black boots, laced halfway up, and he wore a slouchy sweater half hanging off one shoulder, his duffel slung over the other. His hair was half up in a messy knot at the back of his head. A cigarette dangled from his lips"  (ballpoint pen + texture added in PS)

Ok but this is fucking beautiful

Saileen Hug colors




Coloring seems to be the only thing my brain will focus on tonight. It’s meditative so I’ll take it…..


So lineart by @threshie  AKA @threshasketch (Again) 

You should really commission this lovely bean, or support her Patreon.  This is not one of the commissioned pieces I requested from her, but I saw it today and went AWWWWWW! and I love coloring her lines, well here it is.

Coloring by me, with prismacolor marker. It’s been a Sammy sort of day.

Please if you like or reblog this, also go to Threshie’s page and scream your love at her, like and reblog her original art as well!

So while talking to Threshie tonight for a good….2 hours and feeling infinitly better, where I’ve been moody, unfocused and needing a hug or a cry all day long, I decided I was so drawn to coloring this piece today because I subconsciously needed a hug.

Again, thanks @threshie for chatting so long with me, and brightening my mood even though i couldn’t pin point what was wrong.

@dmsilvisart I love chatting with you, message me anytime! ♥♥♥ And this turned out so sweet with the colors – love Eileen’s jacket and darker wash on the jeans, and the hair technique with different colors looks awesome! I like the bit of shadow you added beneath them, too. I drew this really late at night while sleepy, so my only regret really is that my lines on it were drawn really fast and a tiny bit sloppy, but you colored it in so pretty anyway. XD 

It’s beuuuuuuuuuutiful!!!!!


*flops in Moose Bucket ™️*


Jared Padalecki Appreciation

His beautiful eyes



Square Filled: Mermaid!AU

Pairing: None

Rating: General

Summary: Sam likes to explore

Warnings: This is so cute I’m gonna have to go to the dentist, so look out.

Word Count: 638

Inspired by this adorable piece by @threshasketch

Written for @spnaubingo

“Sammy! Come back here!”

“Bean, wook!”

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