

Golden, just like Kelly’s heart.

!!!a friend made alex sign this one im so ashamed



And Part 3 Chapter 1 has been posted!  Click here for the Ao3 Link
And click here to start at the very beginning

Summary: Gabriel the Messenger and Loki the Trickster are the same.  The implications?  Loki’s kids are all uber powerful half-archangels.  And Jack could use a teacher… 
And if that isn’t enough: over 135k of slowburn sabriel, cases, TFW interactions, Jack being adorable, secondary slowburn destiel, OCs who don’t fall in love with main characters, and amazing fanart by @scrollingkingfisher

Tags: @archangelgabriellives @scrollingkingfisher @hectatess  @otrera-kicks-ass @darksilveraster @nathyfaith @1well-this-is-new1
@purrfectmochi @karategirl80 @theriverscribe <and if anyone else wants to be tagged hmu>

Prompt: Jack has a bad dream. Like any young child, he instinctively wants to crawl in bed with his dads, Cas and Sam.




AN: This took a bit longer than I had anticipated, and required some rewriting after my computer glitched and I lost the first draft. Hope it’s what you were looking for!

Read on AO3

THE BUNKER WAS very different from the motel room. There was more space, but also more walls and doors that closed to keep people in or out. There was also a steady humming itch in the air that Jack couldn’t quite make himself ignore, though Sam and Dean seemed unaware of it. Castiel had caught him rubbing his arms earlier, and the look in his eyes was understanding and sympathetic, so maybe that itch was part of his angel side reacting to something supernatural about the Bunker. He tried not to let it put him on edge, but in the privacy of his room, with the hum and itch the only thing he could perceive, it felt incredibly isolating.

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