I’m bored!

And this is really a combination of @theriverscribe‘s and caffeine’s fault…

Send me some random emojis and I’ll write a nonsensical story about them…might end up looking something like this:


Take the rocket to the drum party, where all the females will do cartwheels and drink champagne.

Meanwhile, the tricksters will take the rainbow bridge to the comet and capture the fire from it’s tail.  This will cause the comet explode and it will burn up through our atmosphere, appearing as shooting stars.  The moon will be of two minds of this event, and a dove will deliver an olive branch to a tiny dancer.  This will be the sign to live long and prosper, and we will finally sign the peace treaty with the Martians, while drinking in a bar in the wild west, with redundant gay cowboys

@ladylilithprime @whinywingedwinchester @thequeervet @talkingtomyselfagain @sageclover61 @dreamhunter-trash @scrollingkingfisher