
Title: Love vs. Love
Author: CasMayaSutra
Artist: Hitori Alouette
Rating: M
Length: 33777
Pairings: Dean Winchester/Castiel, Dean/Benny (Minor)
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply

Dean Winchester is in love. Dean Winchester is going to be married. And because this is his fucked up life, they are not the same person.

Castiel Novak is in love. He has been in love with Dean since what feels like forever. Due to a quirk of fate, they are going to be married.

How will Dean reconcile between the man he loves and the man he marries?

How will Castiel react when he finds out that his love is not only unrequited but UNWANTED?

Link to fic
Link to art

READ THIS IT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!