We’ve got only a few days to go and I’m disappointed that there’s no crack speculation on who possesses Dean in the last episode. I’m going with Meg the Demon. This way both the Destiel and Megstiel fans will be satisfied.




Excuse I think @elizabethrobertajones figured out it’s Mr. Fizzles.

@thayerkerbasy and I have come up with two theories which are certainly not crack but are Very Serious™:

1. Dean travels back in time and is possessed by 1920s!Crowley (hence the dapper suit). Cue all sorts of highly inappropriate innuendo.

2. The tentacle monster. His gf came back looking like a flapper and he decided he really liked the aesthetic (hence the dapper suit). Cue all sorts of kinky innuendo.

Or it could be Mr. Fizzles. Lizbob makes good points.

You’re all overlooking the most obvious possibility (though I still very much believe in our speculations, @grey2510).

It’s going to be the ghost of Castiel’s abandoned trenchcoat.  That thing had flappy powers of flight all on its own.  Every step Cas took, his coat swished behind him.  It’s full of so much anger, it’s going to take its rage out on the first available target.  It needs a vessel and Dean is familiar, so it’ll help Dean to defeat Lucifer if it means it gets to be as overly dramatic as it used to be when Cas was wearing it.