Here, You Are Home | Chapter Nine: You, little bird, are stronger than you know


Summary: Clint does not appreciate his captors’ hospitality. Can you give negative stars on Yelp?

WARNING: This chapter deals with being imprisoned and contains disturbing imagery, graphic violence, mentions of non-consensual drug use, and graphic descriptions of torture, including torture by drowning which requires resuscitation. Despite Clint’s sarcastic commentary and major levels of sass, it is rough. Please be careful with yourself.

Title is from “Lonely Bird,” a poem by Judith S.

Thank you to the Discord Crew for all of their help with this. Especially to @whinywingedwinchester, who keeps screaming at me every time I write another sentence in the best way. I love you guys. ❤

@dreamhunter-trash @scrollingkingfisher @ladylilithprime @thequeervet @theriverscribe @karategirl80 @sageclover61 @hyrulehearts1123 @altyex

Here, You Are Home | Chapter Nine: You, little bird, are stronger than you know

Here, You Are Home | Chapter Six: These Are The Ones We Cannot Save


Summary: The explosion leaves a lot of people trapped and lost. Tony tries to dig people out of the rubble outside the building, but not everyone can be saved. Inside the building, Clint has his own problems, and meets some tiny fans.

WARNINGS: This chapter contains the after-effects of an explosion and the collapse of a building, medical trauma horror, deaths of original characters, injury/death to children, and people trapped in a collapsed building/beneath rubble. Also, non-consensual drug use and paralyzation due to drug administration. 

Full Fic Summary: It’s been little over a year of the Avengers working together and they’ve become close. They’ve become friends. Family, some of them will whisper quietly, but only in the deepest parts of their minds where no one else can hear. 

When a mission goes wrong and Clint is killed, all of the Avengers are affected, but Tony disappears into his workshop for days. When he finally comes out, he has a new AI: a robotic bird named Featherbrain, who speaks in a familiar voice. 

Meanwhile, Clint wakes up, a prisoner in a cell, but he’s not alone. Sitting across from him is Loki, and no one knows where either of them are. They’ll have to work together to escape, but how can Clint possibly trust Loki

He might not have a choice.

@scrollingkingfisher @theriverscribe @whinywingedwinchester @dreamhunter-trash @karategirl80 @ladylilithprime @altyex @thequeervet @sageclover61

Here, You Are Home | Chapter Six: These Are The Ones We Cannot Save


Clinton Francis Barton is an EXTRAORDINARY HERO don’t you dare forget that!



Clint Barton – Hawkeye 
⭐ Moodboard ⭐








I love Clint Barton because he’s the kind of guy who would ask if he could get an Avengers discount at Starbucks

#piece of shit motherfucker probably would #and he’d find a way to get it too #*flashes avengers ID* #probably uses it to get out speeding tickets too #”no no see it’s alright i am an AVENGER” #”that means i save the world and stuff…” #”so you’re welcome” #”no need to give me a ticket see look at my AVENGERS ID-card” #ends up getting a ticket anyway #story of your life #drops by mcdonalds #slides avengers ID over the counter as a form of payment #official avenger coming through #doing hero-business #please step aside ma’am i am an avenger #that means i work with captain america #yes #good ol’ cap #the big c #why yes he does smell like freedom and apple pie

#then one day a barista or shop assistant asks cap if he’s got his avenger id for the discount#and steve gives him a blank stare#and just before he says there’s no such thing as avengers discount#nat comes up behind him#slams her id down#‘yes we both need avengers discount’#reminding herself to high five clint later#because ‘avengers discount’ has clint written all over it (via annperkin)

I may have been on a wiki walk the other day and I saw something in Clint Barton’s wiki entry that made me think of this post…

Look. I need that avengers discount okay?

I have so much respect for you, Barton.

idk if you’ve seen this, but ¯_(ツ)_/¯ @havvkeye-squared





The world’s greatest marksman