
Sastiel Creations Challenge | threshie (pantsoftheseater, threshasketch) 
↳ Items: south, brain, “the door was locked”

Single dad Castiel’s car breaks down during a night time drive, stranding him and his baby son Jack in the middle of a storm. Writer Sam is researching for a horror novel when a stranger in a trench coat shows up on his doorstep…

Chapter fic (stay tuned for more chapters!), Sastiel, Fluff and Feels, Dad!Cas, Baby!Jack, Writer!Sam, Softness, Cuddling & Snuggling, Wet Clothes, Hot Tea, Gadreel and Gabriel are Sam’s Cute Dogs, Jimmy Novak is Castiel’s Twin, No-Supernatural AU, I Painted the Cover Art

Read Chapter 1 here on Ao3!

I haven’t read this yet and I am already squee-ing in excitement!!!!!!

Do I Worry chapter 18: House Rules


He was right. The closer we let them get, the worse it would be when Sammy and I finally hit the road again. I glanced down and caught Sam staring up at me with big tear-filled eyes.


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Now up on Ao3!

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Gabriel’s got enough to deal with, moving and raising his baby brother Cas. When Cas’s “imaginary” little friend Sammy shows up on their doorstep, though, things get complicated fast.

Now updated every Wednesday.

Jack Attempts



I wrote my first two ficlets with Jack in them, but Ao3′s not loading. 😦 The Universe is telling me the world doesn’t need baby Jack but I don’t want to listen!

It started working so I uploaded them as quickly as I could:

The New Baby

I Don’t Know Jack!

Enjoy! ❤




This started out as a conversation between @princessofsabriel @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell and myself.. this is what happens when we open a google doc. 

Thank you, to you beautiful snowflakes for helping me write this. It was great fun to collaborate with you and to have you as co-authors. 


Sam watched his brother collapse at the floor after the younger hunter blasted Lucifer away, watched Dean’s eyes grow distant in grief for his best friend, who he thought was lost to him. Sam felt his heart break for the man in front of him. Castiel was his friend, sure, but to Dean he had always been something more, whether the other man wanted to admit that or not. He stood up from where he’d been thrown, looked around the room. Well, nothing was impossible in this shit-show that was the Winchester’s life, right? There was only one being, besides God himself, that Sam could think of might be able and willing to help them save Cas. He was most likely dead, but Sam had to hope against hope that life would give them a break just this once. So, taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes in silent prayer:

“Gabriel? I’m not sure you can hear me. Hell, I’m not even sure you’re alive. But we need your help if you are. Well, Cas needs your help, actually. I’ve told you about the whole Amara-deal already, so I’ll skip that, but Cas he… he got it into his head that Lucifer could beat her. I don’t know exactly what happened but somehow… Lucifer possessed Cas. Gabriel, Lucifer is in Cas’ body. Cas is still in there and he fought his way to the front to stop Lucifer from killing me, so I’m assuming he’s conscious. But we need to get the devil out of there and… well you’re the only one I could think of that cared enough about him and had the ability to help. Please Gabriel. If you’re out there, please help!”

Releasing his breath, Sam imagined his soul reaching out to Gabriel’s grace, pleading him to help them. Maybe he wanted to stay out of more of the Winchester’s messes, but this was his little brother, surely he’d come out of hiding to help him, to save him?

He waits for almost a full minute and is just about to sigh in defeat at yet another prayer gone unanswered, when 180 pounds of pissed off archangel lands behind him with a swish of wings.

Keep reading

Long day. Hope yours was great. I did my best for the first 10 hrs, had dinner and drove home. Got home and disappointed my mother immediately by not walking back to accomplish more. She literally commented “no comment” when I told her it wasn’t too late for it to be physically done, but that it was indeed too late for me to do it after a long day. Her immature, passive aggressive complaint was “no comment.” Can I get fluff? Just a pinch, please


I’m sorry hun! Sounds like you definitely need some fluffy headcanons how about:

– Sam trying to butter Dean up for months into getting a dog, subtly dropping hints and getting nothing back from Dean. Dean one day walking into the bunker with a puppy and dropping her into Sam’s open arms.

– Dean and Donna being firm friends and defeating all the burly dude bro men who mocked Donna at the firing range when they win the championship together, even better when Dean goes up to claim his waiting congratulatory kiss from his boyfriend.

– Human Cas loving his yellow fluffy socks and gifting Sam a green pair for Christmas which he loves and wears all the time. Dean mocking them both until he finally caves and starts stealing Cas’ in the mornings when he’s up first, leading Cas to buy him his own pair of turquoise blue ones. All of them chilling watching netflix with pizza all with their colourful fluffy socks up on the table (ok now I am pining for fan art of this :p)

OMG, that last one…fuzzy socks are da bomb!!!

Resolutions for Rookies – chucks_prophet – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]

Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural)
Additional Tags: Morning After, Hungover Dean, New Years, New Year’s Resolutions, Background Endverse Castiel, Past Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Past Drug Use, And the Orgies Of Course, Dean Talks About Feelings, Little Spoon Dean, Cuddling & Snuggling, Literal Sleeping Together, Castiel (Supernatural) and Bees, lots of talk about sex, but no actual sex, Light Angst, Cute, Fluffy Ending, Hopeful Ending

With a groan, he moves a little more so he can prop himself up. He grips his head, squinting as his eyes adjust like the bottom of a shot glass with a drop of whiskey still left. The man next to him does the same. Dean turns his head slowly, meeting the blue eyes of the stranger. “Um… you were… great?”

Resolutions for Rookies – chucks_prophet – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]