
laaaaaaaa, lalalalalalalaa la la la laaaaaaaaaaa, lalalalalalaalalala bum bum bum, bum bum bum…

huh, what?  Oh…what did I want to order? ummmm…hmmm…bum, bum, bum; bum, bum bum…key change! laaaaaaa lalalalalalalalal la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaa lalala…..

Oh, sorry. You were saying?  OF COURSE I’m going to get a coffee, WHY ELSE WOULD I BE HERE???

Oh, I have this stupid song in my head, and it just blows my mind that I can’t remember the name of it, so I’m hoping if I just keep singing it someone will be able to tell me the name of it…it’s hard it doesn’t have any words, see, it’s a classical piece, and my phone doesn’t recognise it when I sing it…

No, I don’t think that’s a commentary on my singing!

Oh right a coffee…yes, yes, I’ll have a mocha latte…a tall one, you know, one of those contradiction in terms you sell…

de, de de dededede de de de deeeeeeeee

Is that the only phrase I know, why no, it’s just the piece keeps repeating the same phrase over and over…adding more instruments, and changing key, and adding suspense until the very end…its quite frustrating to be stuck in one’s head…you don’t know the name of it by chance, do you?  No?  Gosh that’s a shame.

Well you’ve certainly been an angel, I’ll be sure to tell your boss what a star employee you are!!

Oh, you are the owner.  Oh, my apologies.  Well, ta ta now!! have a starriffic day!

*fades into distance* laaaaaaaaaaaaaa lalalalalalalaa la la lalaaaaaaaaaa……



Yea, that’s right, I’m smirking at you.  Your green tree hugging heart that loves coffee and popcorn…you WILL be upgraded…OR you will be DELETED.

If, by some chance, you escape, I strongly suggest a celebration!  I mean, who doesn’t appreciate pizza, wine, and cake (although not necessarily in that order) at a party?   I’ll make the playlist: “99 Luft Balloons” and “Rocketman” will DEFINITELY be playing.  Maybe we’ll even have a karaoke machine…hmm…we’ll probably need more wine, if karaoke is involved…

WAIT I KNOW!!!!! This is PERFECT!!!!!! We’ll hire a SNAKE CHARMER!!! That will be awesome!!!  I’m sure everyone will like that, and it will require much less wine….

What do you mean what will we do if the snake escapes?  Those snakes are very well trained, there is absolutely NO CHANCE of the snake escaping.  BUT if we do get a snake charmer, we’ll have to buy a bouquet of flowers to give them when they are done.  


And then, when we’ve caught the snake (no, don’t ask questions, this is the important part) We will go outside and watch the night sky.  Count all the pretty stars and check out the moon.  What do you mean that’s rude?? I can check out the moon if I want to…maybe the moon likes me, did you ever think about that? HUH?? Maybe the MOON is CHECKING ME OUT!!!

I don’t understand, why do you want to send me to the moon…I did all this work planning your “yay we escaped from the cybermen” party…….



I should have known that nothing good was coming my way when a devil turned the corner and started walking towards me.  Before the devil could reach me, however, confetti fell from the sky and those annoying noisemakers you get at New Year’s started blaring all over.  It was so loud I was stunned and saw stars for a moment.  I started laughing hysterically, because, I mean, seriously, what else is a Taurus like me supposed to do in this situation?  I’ll tell you, you run back into the pizza shop you just came from to finish your pizza.  Avoid your hallucinations at all costs, I say!

Of course, hallucinations are not likely to cooperate, as once I entered the pizza shop, there were owls flying all over the dining room, dropping envelopes with invitations to a salsa party down the block.  The devil entered the pizza shop and offered to make me a deal:  the bag of cash the devil was holding for an invitation to the salsa party.  It seemed like a fair trade to me, so I clapped my hands together and made the trade.  After giving the bag a serious case of side eye, sure it was going to disappear, I sat, exhausted, and considered that perhaps there had been some special ingredients in my pizza.
