Of Secrets and Old Stories – Chapter 1 – totalnovaktrash – Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]


Fandom: Merlin, Cadbury!Verse 

Rating: Teen

Characters: Arthur King, Bennie Ryan, Gavin Noble, Alice Summers, Merlin Ambrose, Sam Winchester

Ships: Bevin

Word Count: 1933/1933

Status: WIP (½)

Arthur frowned at the door as he knocked again. The adrenaline from the fight with the Poltergeist was gone, everything hurt, and he felt sick. He wasn’t even entirely sure why he hadn’t just gone home but—

The door opened. Arthur blinked. Oh shit, he thought, they look angry.  

Bennie pulled him inside.


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Of Secrets and Old Stories – Chapter 1 – totalnovaktrash – Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]


an art collab with @whinywingedwinchester celebrating Sam’s first semester at Stanford in the Become the Beast series by @talkingtomyselfagain








*leans in*

Hi! *waves*

So, fun fact. I got yanked into MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe, for the uninitiated) and have begun a fic pre-Ultron.

I absolutely blame @thequeervet, whose entire fic collection you should devour IMMEDIATELY, and @whinywingedwinchester, who has done nothing to delay my sauntering straight into the arms of Tony Stark and company.

To those following Cadbury (bless all of you), no worries, still working on that regularly. We’ll get to see Sam next chapter from Samandriel’s POV. And to those following Hold You Close, I actually have the final chapter of the fic written, and I’m halfway through the current chapter, so – soon. (It’s a long chapter.)

But for those of you who are Avengers fans (and because I don’t think I’ve said anything outside of chapter updates or reblogs in a while), TADA! I have succumbed.

Presently on chapter three of what is apparently not going to be the small fic I had planned. *HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER* There are no small fics! So………

Who’s your favorite Avenger?

They met in the air ducts, because of course they did. Clint thought he was loosing it when he saw the tip of a fox tail slip around the corner of one of the vent junctions. He knew he aught to be concerned about someone (thing?) other than him skulking thru the air ducts, but he was intrigued for the moment, and swiftly turned down the duct where he’d seen the fox tail disappear.

When he finally caught up to the mysterious intruder, he was even more confused. The fox tail was attached to a person–along with matching fox ears and a to-go cup of coffee with a peculiar shaped bean illustration. He was dressed in guard attire, but for all Clint knew, that was to help him blend in once he arrived at his destination within the Tower. The fox (?) smirked at him and twitched his ears.

“I know you want to touch them,” he dared.

“Is the bean on your cup giving me the finger?” Clint blurts out. What the fuck? Of all the much more important things he needs to ask, that’s what come out of his mouth? What is wrong with him?

The fox (?) just nods at him, like this is all perfectly reasonable. “Yep. It’s a Feckin’ Bean. Best coffee in this dimension. And quite a few others, actually…” The fox trails off, and flicks his ears towards Clint suggestively. “Name’s Rey. And this itch ain’t gonna scratch itself,” he grumbles, pointing at the still twitching ear.

Bless you, @karategirl80. I’ll credit you if this shows up in fic. ❤ But consider it canon.


Bad Talky! Bad KG!!


I, as Luci, am denying you BOTH!! access to the MCU!!

*pokes @dreamhunter-trash and @karategirl80*

Which one of you is gonna tell @altyex there’s a cadbury!verse Harry Potter fic too?

*sneaks into the MCU*

Shhhh, Talky! Don’t let @altyex know you have spies in every fandom!

You are all blacklisted from Hell!! Bad family!! No cookies!! Or rocking Hell parties!!!

Just for that..NOT TELLING WHICH fandoms I’m in!!

*pulls up Hell’s blacklist app, muttering* Evil family.. can’t trust anyone anymore..So @dreamhunter-trash, @talkingtomyselfagain and @karategirl80 are not allowed into Hell at all..

Karategirl digs thru her trusty bookbag, muttering softly to herself. “Aha!!! I found it!” she exclaims, while Talky and Totes look on interestedly. Karate holds out the item she procured from her book bag in front of her, and whistles. “Here, girl! Come and get it!” she yells.

Far in the distance, a faint howl is heard, and the distinct *thumpatythump* of a rather large _something_ quickly approaching the trio. A figure becomes visable, and as it nears, its form becomes more recognizable.

“Um, Karate…” Talky starts to say, sounding a hair concerned.

“No worries, Talky, you’ll see!” Karate interjects.

Within seconds, the rather amorphous form coalesces into the giant form of a hellhound, who skids to a stop directly in front of of Karate, and immediately starts sniffing Karate, looking for something in particular.

“Sit, Juliet,” Karate commands. The hellhound immediately complies, and looks up at Karate hopefully. “Aww, Juliet, you are such a good hellhound…the BEST!” Karate pets Juliet behind one of her giant floppy ears, and quickly unwraps the item in her hand and holds it in front of Juliet. Karate distractedly hands the wrapper to Totes, who reads the label: “The Feckin’ Bean Supernatural Treat! Safe for kitsune, tricksters, dryads, hellhounds and other hell-creatures. Flavor: Apple Pie. This treat was lovingly made and wrapped by: Kathy.”

Totes looks at Karate questioningly, who shugs. “Always be prepared?” Totes and Talky seem to accept this explanation, and Totes shoves the wrapper in her pocket.

Karate turns her attention back to Juliet, who has finished her treat and is currently chasing her tail.

“Juliet, focus!” Juliet pauses, and looks up at Karate and tilts her head sideways. “We,” Karate says, gesturing at Talky and Totes, “need to get into hell, to find Altyex. Can you help? I have plenty of treats for you when we find her!” Juliet considers for a moment, barks an affirmative, and lies down in front of Karate, who clambers onto her back. “Come on, jump on! Time is wasting! Let’s go find Altyex!”

Talky and Totes shrug and approach the hellhound carefully. “No worries! She won’t bite! Juliet is a good hellhound, right?” Karate scratches Juliet’s head, and Talky and Totes climb on behind her.

Juliet stands, unaffected by her passengers. “Hellhounds ought to come with seatbelts,” Talky grumbles as she hangs on by grabbing some of Juliet’s long, soft fur. Without warning, Juliet sets off in what appears to be a random direction, and the search for Altyex begins.

@talkingtomyselfagain @dreamhunter-trash @altyex


So this ended up being crackier than I intended but I’m late and @karategirl80 offered me this when I asked for “shocked Richard/Gabriel”

From Of Art Supplies and Ungodly Obsessions by @talkingtomyselfagain

@dreamhunter-trash I didn’t even know that’s what you needed it for!!! Hahaha this is AWESOME!!!!!




BTGOG Quote Edits Part 1

Quotes from Offering, The Valley of the Shadow, and Teach Your Children by @theriverscribe

quotes requested by @talkingtomyselfagain and @hyrulehearts1123

feel free to request your fav BTGOG quotes ❤

Bless your face, @dreamhunter-trash. And let us all pray to the pain goddess @theriverscribe. ❤ ❤


Carry On – Chapter 11 – totalnovaktrash – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]



Fandom: Supernatural

Rating: Teen

Characters: Melissa Burke (OC), Sam, Dean

Ships: None

Word Count: 24,004

Status: WIP (11/?)


Both brothers looked at Melissa for back up. She shifted uncomfortably. No faith healer she’d ever seen had been ‘the real deal.’ There had always been something working behind the scenes. But Dean was hurt and she couldn’t do anything about it. Whatever LeGrange was using was working, and that’s all she cared about.

Adding a tag list!

@nathyfaith @karategirl80 @myselllllf @ladylilithprime @not-a-recent-thing

Lmk if you want to be tagged when I post my writing!

Carry On – Chapter 11 – totalnovaktrash – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]