Sastiel Love Week Day I (Firsts) – First Date

Sam was so worried and excited, the nerves bubbled in his stomach and his made his hands shake but at the same time he was trying his best to keep calm. He didn’t want his date to think he was a nervous mess.

Sam had never imagined he would actually be able to get to this point. He thought Castiel didn’t care much for him, or even knew who he was, but he had accepted his offer for a date happily and, even Sam thought naively.

Sam thought about the future, maybe if this went well they could even go on a second date and then start dating officially.

You’re foolish, Sam thinks to himself, but even the chance that this might work out, that they might even have a second date is enough to keep him focused the evening.

Sam had prepared everything and he thinks, momentarily, that Castiel would think he was trying to hard or overbearing. But at the same time he might would think it was sweet and charming. Should he bring the flowers? Was that too much?

Sam stared frustratingly at the flowers he’d gotten earlier that day. He didn’t know what do and he put his head in his hands and sat on his bed.

He had exactly two hours to decide and he just wanted to crawl into bed and pretend the entire thing was a dream.

Still ran his hands over his face, sitting here would only make things worse right? Plus he didn’t want to disappoint Castiel or, worse, or stand him up.

He showered, got dressed in a the nicest shirt he could find. Sam grabbed his phone, tucked his wallet into his back pocket and tucked the bouquet of flowers under his arm and headed towards the restaurant.


Sam meets Castiel at a local restaurant and he could hardly believe his eyes when he sees his date.

Castiel was wearing a wonderfully bright sweater  that matched his blue eyes and Sam was at loses for words almost instantly.

With nervous shaking hands Sam handed the bouquet to Castiel and watched his bright light up even brighter. Castiel stared shocked before his face broke out into a huge smile. Castiel thanked him  and stared graciously at the bouquet of flowers.

They sat and Sam’s nerves quickly bubbling away as they were able to easily talk. The food was excellent for diner food and Castiel listened to everything Sam said with interest he rarely saw from anyone. Even when he talked about his love for cooking healthy food and his crime shows. Castiel smiled brightly the whole time and even talked about his favourite tv shows. The conversation was easy and just peaceful, and Sam found time flew by until the sun was setting.

They paid for dinner and Sam stood near the door, he had to walk home and he wasn’t sure how to end their date. Despite how well it went he was tongue tied but thankfully Castiel spoke up.

“Thank you Sam, I enjoyed this night a lot,” He said with another sunshine smile and Sam’s heart soared.

“I think we should go out another time,” He clutched the bouquet of flowers to his chest gratefully.

Sam smiled, he thought he misheard but he nodded rapidly, he didn’t trust himself to speak.

Castiel smiled, “I’ll message you when I’m free,”

Sam nodded, “Sounds great,” He was trying to settle his breathing because this seemed like a dream.

Castiel left and Sam let out a breath he wasn’t realized he was holding. He smiled brightly to himself as he walked home hardly believing this evening had been real.

Awwww!!!! Sam is so anxious!!! I feel you buddy!!! Like, why did I decide to do this I must have been crazy?  This is so cuuuuttteee!!!! 😀