
spn hiatus creations 2018 | week 2 |

hunting pseudonyms and disguises

Aliases + Led Zeppelin

Do I Worry chapter 10



“Hi Gabriel!” Anna said, waving to me with her free arm. Anna was the other pretty redhead in my life lately. She had the softest looking copper hair I had ever seen. The idea of running my hands through it ran through my mind every time I saw her. She was standing in the doorway to the Little Angels daycare center with Castiel on her hip. He didn’t look very happy.

“Hey buddy! How was your day?” I hurried over with open arms and Anna passed Cas to me. I petted his hair and tried to get him to smile by pretend pinching his cheek. He turned his face away sharply, blue eyes misty.

– – –

Read it here on Ao3!

The fic summary:

Gabriel’s got enough to deal with, moving and raising his baby brother Cas. When Cas’s “imaginary” little friend Sammy shows up on their doorstep, though, things get complicated fast.

Trickster’s Sanctuary – Chapter 8 – sageclover61 – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]



So that’s what I forgot yesterday….. Oops. This is not a reblog. I did post two chapters in 14 hours.

Chapter 8, the penultimate chapter!

Michael and a friend go to Limbo. Sam gets to hold a fluffy fledgling and Dean finds out exactly who the fledglings are. He reacts poorly. Sam gets some fluff, but not all the fluff he deserves or is about to need. Enjoy!

@karategirl80 @myselllllf

There are fledglings!!!!!! And Dean….well, he’s typical Dean…

Trickster’s Sanctuary – Chapter 8 – sageclover61 – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]



Title: Find Our Way
Author: youaresunlight (puppycastiel)
Artist: miggles-scribbles
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 25, 813
Pairings: Dean/Cas
Warnings: None

Castiel is playing in his first NHL season when he meets Dean, a model who has just broken into the industry. He goes home with Dean, because it’s easy, and they keep hooking up, because it makes sense. They’re two, busy people who travel all the time, and it’s not like he’s looking for anything serious – until he does and he wants it with Dean, who’s become his best friend and the love of his life. Life, however, is no fairy tale, and when Dean starts dating for real, Cas lets him go because he loves him. He comes to terms with his broken heart, resigned to however much time he’ll need to mend it, but then Dean is left at the altar at his own wedding and asks if Cas will come with him on his honeymoon.

Link to fic | Link to art

It’s posted! I hope you all enjoy! 🙂


Title: Entertaining Strangers
Author: domesticadventures
Artist: kuwlshadow
Rating: M
Length: 30,000 words
Pairings: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: None

Summary: There are angels all over the country. Dean has seen them on street corners, met them in bars, taken them to bed. He never expected to wind up with one sleeping on his couch, but he supposes stranger things have happened.

Link to fic
Link to art

And Teardrops Fell Like Rain (Awake, Awake)


Continuation of the Sabriel Jinn one-shot I wrote, titled A Dream Within a Dream.

This took me a while, I know. Blame senior year of college and work from taking me away from fanfic writing. But I’m back! And I have here, the second part of that wretched piece of Sabriel angst. As mentioned before, the Sabriel reunion does not come into play here; that will be in the third installment of this mini-series.

Instead, I hope you all enjoy this continuation, and its deviation in perspective.

Title inspired by the song “The Awakening,” by Joseph M. Martin. ♥

Talk to me.”

eyes stared through the windshield, numbly focused on the open road ahead illuminated
by the Impala’s high-beams, and Sam only shook his head minutely. Dean sighed
next to him, and Sam barely registered the motion of his brother swiping a
tired hand over his face.

Dean murmured, returning his gaze back onto the road. “What did you see? What
did the Jinn show you?”

soft swallow, lips parted slightly with a dry smack, but Sam still couldn’t
speak. Images of Gabriel danced through his mind; he was flooded with flashes
of that wonderful golden smile, echoes of joyous laughter, phantom touches of
Gabriel’s smooth blonde hair across his fingers, of those thin lips pressed
firmly against his own, amber eyes narrowed in delight as they glimmered with
mischief, adoration, and love.

sighed shakily, his throat throbbing.

you’re scaring me. I know that a Jinn’s magic is nasty business, but I can’t help

can’t help.”

Keep reading