Sam’s Fear (part 4)


“Samuel, stop!” Rowena managed to pull back on Sam’s
arm and he turned to look at her, his smile fading. She chanted a few words and
Sam blinked. He seemed to come out of a haze. He shook his head and noticed his
brother lying face down on the floor.


Dean was not moving. Sam knelt down beside him and
gently turned him over. He sighed with relief when he saw his brother was

“Rowena, what happened? What’s wrong with Dean?” His
brows were furrowed in concern. He tried gently shaking him.

“You don’t remember?” Rowena asked cautiously. She
didn’t seem fazed by the fact that Dean was lying unresponsive in front of her.

“No, I…actually, I don’t even remember how I got here. Wait. How did you get here?” Sam sat down again,
putting his head in his hands, not moving from his brother’s side. “I’m so
confused. I don’t feel well. I don’t…” He looked over at Dean, who was still
unconscious on the floor. He started to panic. Rowena reached over and put her
hand on his back, rubbing it softly.

“Samuel, you’ve been through a lot. You –“  but before she could continue, Dean
stirred on the floor. Sam looked up quickly and moved closer to his brother,
reaching out to help him up.

“Dean, are you ok? What’s going on? What happened?”
But Dean just looked at Sam. He got up slowly, hesitating on his knees as he
struggled to get his balance back. He didn’t reach out to him, didn’t speak to
him. In fact, he backed up.

“Dean?” Sam’s voice was almost a whisper. He didn’t understand
why his brother would do this.

But Dean turned to Rowena instead.

“Rowena, what the hell! What did he do to me? What’s
actually happening here?” He stood up all the way and took another step back. He
rubbed the back of his head, still recovering from whatever spell Sam cast on

Sam was sitting on the floor. He looked from Dean to
Rowena, his eyes scrunched with worry. He was very confused.

Rowena stood up, straightening her dress as she stood.
She patted Sam on the head as she stepped away from him, reassuring him.

“I don’t rightly know Dean. That hex bag may have some
residual effects, as you can see. I don’t even know what kind of a spell he hit
you with, to be honest. May I?” She reached out to Dean, wanting to touch him.
She raised her eyebrows and waited for his approval.

He hesitated for a moment, but decided she really did
just want to help. Something was going on between his brother and this witch.
He didn’t like it, but he was willing to see what she could do to help.

Dean slowly nodded.

Rowena touched Dean on his arm, closing her eyes.

“Oh my.”

“Oh my what?” asked Dean, annoyed. He looked at Sam,
who was still sitting on the floor, looking even more confused than ever. He
hadn’t said a word since Dean backed away from him.

“Just a minute, dearie.” She took her hands off of
Dean and moved over to Sam, who just looked at her with sad eyes. Rowena gently
placed her fingertips on Sam’s neck. He flinched slightly when she touched him.
Dean noticed, but didn’t say anything. She took a deep breath and turned back
to Dean, dropping her hands by her sides.

“Dean, I’m going to need to take him away for a while.
He’s capable of…well, quite a bit more than I expected. And the hex bag? Even
though I destroyed it, Sam’s likely going to deal with some serious issues for a while.”

“Issues? What issues? What do you mean, take him away?”
Dean’s voice rose in anger, but he didn’t move towards Rowena.

“Dean, I’m afraid Sam’s been cursed.”

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*squacks anxiously*