
an art collab with @whinywingedwinchester celebrating Sam’s first semester at Stanford in the Become the Beast series by @talkingtomyselfagain

Of Music & Memories chapter three


Matt encounters a friend of Samandriel’s he never would have expected to meet, and then a giant of a man who he thinks he knows, or should know, but is sure he doesn’t.

Warnings: Part of this chapter deals with the unexpected death of a loved one due to illness/disease, and hospitalization.

@theriverscribe @scrollingkingfisher @ladylilithprime @nathyfaith @cloakedwing @sageclover61 @karategirl80 @dreamhunter-trash @godzgirlforever @hyrulehearts1123 @altyex

Of Music & Memories chapter three


So this ended up being crackier than I intended but I’m late and @karategirl80 offered me this when I asked for “shocked Richard/Gabriel”

From Of Art Supplies and Ungodly Obsessions by @talkingtomyselfagain

@dreamhunter-trash I didn’t even know that’s what you needed it for!!! Hahaha this is AWESOME!!!!!