
Title: They Want Me To Make Them Oh Oh Oh
Author: Lasafara
Artist: Cenedra Riva
Rating: Teen and up
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel
Warning(s): John Winchester’s A+ Parenting, Incubus!Dean, ace!cas, consensual sex for the wrong reasons, Implied Past Abuse, Acephobia
Word Count: 18102

When Gabriel’s misplaced concern for Cas’s sex life results in a demon summoning, Cas is frustrated beyond belief. His brother won’t accept his sexuality, and now he has an incubus in his house, unable to leave without a “boost.” But the incubus is kind, and funny, and Cas finds he doesn’t mind so much.

Dean has spent his entire life making sure his partners were happy with his performance. After all, that’s the only thing he’s good for, according to his dad. So when he’s summoned to someone who doesn’t want to get down and dirty, Dean doesn’t know how to handle it. He’s never been seen as more than a glorified sex toy; what is he supposed to do when he’s actually seen as a person?

The two have a lot to work out, and worse, something isn’t quite right with Dean. Can Dean and Cas figure out their differences before everything falls apart?

Links to fic and art:

Read it here! Go here for art!

This is soooo cuuuuuuuute!!!