


The wing tentacles have a mind of their own…or Cas pretends they do. This is a commission for the awesome @omgbubblesomg – thank you, what a fun one! ❤

I did a callout for prompts and one of them reminded me of this beaut of a pic.

@sans–seraph I found this in my drafts, sorry for the wait. @threshie I’m sorry I made your artwork so handsy (I’m not).

Drunk drabbles 3.0

“I told you, I don’t have total control over them.”

Dean dug one of the thinner tentacles out from beneath his shirt, where it was teasing around a nipple. “Are you even trying to stop them?” With his hands occupied a second tentacle took the opportunity to wrap around his bicep and sucker gently to the skin. “Cas!”

Cas extricated the tentacles winding through Dean’s hair, but conveniently ignored the others. “They just want to be near you. I can’t keep them dormant all the time.”

“I’m trying to work!”

“Just ignore them?”

“You try ignoring this!” Dean shoved one of the thicker tentacles with his foot. It curled in on itself as though it had been caught stealing cookies, instead of sneaking under Dean’s chair towards the opening of his trouser legs. “I know what you’re up to,” he warned it. “And I’ve got my eyes on you.” It slunk away like a kicked puppy.

“Well there’s no need to be rude.” Cas plonked a cup of coffee at his elbow and reached down to cradle the guilty tentacle. It curled up under his shoulders with the rest of his wings (or ‘interdimensional appendages’ or whatever Dean was supposed to call them).

Dean rolled his eyes but crooked a finger at the closest tentacle, petting it in apology. It knotted around his wrist and squeezed playfully.

Cas kissed the top of his head as the rest of the tentacles unwound themselves from their various Dean hiding spots.

“Don’t stay up too late,” Cas told him. “And no more coffee after this one.”

Dean tipped his chair back to get the next kiss on his lips. “One more hour,” he promised. “And then they get to play all they want.”

Awww, the wing tentacles really DO have a mind of their own, like Medusa’s snakes. This is adorable. I especially love that Dean pets one to apologize. Cuuuute. ♥