Of Secrets and Old Stories – Chapter 1 – totalnovaktrash – Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]


Fandom: Merlin, Cadbury!Verse 

Rating: Teen

Characters: Arthur King, Bennie Ryan, Gavin Noble, Alice Summers, Merlin Ambrose, Sam Winchester

Ships: Bevin

Word Count: 1933/1933

Status: WIP (½)

Arthur frowned at the door as he knocked again. The adrenaline from the fight with the Poltergeist was gone, everything hurt, and he felt sick. He wasn’t even entirely sure why he hadn’t just gone home but—

The door opened. Arthur blinked. Oh shit, he thought, they look angry.  

Bennie pulled him inside.


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Of Secrets and Old Stories – Chapter 1 – totalnovaktrash – Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]