Sastiel Love Week Day III (Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics) Alpha!Sam and Omega!Cas. Office AU.

Castiel was not trying to court the most attractive Alpha in the office. Especially not after that same Alpha’s recent breakup with his not so wonderful ex-mate.

He didn’t have a crush on Sam Winchester, no he just enjoyed his company it was nothing more than that, he assured himself.

He was already a complete and utter mess at this job anyways and as much as he didn’t want to face it he’d only kept going because Sam was so wonderful and kind, not to mention sweet.

Castiel sighed and tried to organize his scattered papers, he was halfway through that particular task when he was interrupted, again.

He sighed and picked up the phone, took notes that the caller requested and made a mental note to ask Sam later if he was available for a meeting next Thursday. He sighed, straightened his glasses and huffed, this secretary job was not suitable for him it seemed.

Castiel began to reorganize his desk again when the door opened suddenly, the room filled with the sharp scent of and Castiel turned his head to find Sam standing right in front of him.

“Are you okay?” He asked the taller Alpha, trying not to get distracted by his scent. He was truly unprofessional, he commented mentally.

Sam huffed, his face softened once he saw Castiel, Castiel tried not to blush. Sam’s sunflower eyes were warm and soft, despite the obvious sadness behind them. He adjusted his bag and smiled softly.

“My ex-mate, Gadreel, is just making my life a living hell again,” Sam said, Castiel was at a loss for words.

“I’m sorry Sam, you don’t deserve that,” Castiel said, as he winced internally how awkward that sounded.

“Thank you, Castiel,” Sam said softly, “The worst of it is over, I can deal with it  I just have to deal with it for now,” his eyes full of sadness. Castiel didn’t know what to say so he nodded and looked at the floor.

Sam made his way into his office and closed the door quietly behind him

He wanted to do something kind, even though his heart screamed at him and he stopped before his mind could imagine impossible fantasies.

Sam wouldn’t want to mate with something like him, but he could still cheer him up. He thought at his desk for the rest of the day. The day was quiet after that and Castiel devised his plan, he hated to see Sam so unhappy and brooding.

He had to do something.

Every day from then on Castiel left notes. Each one with with small gifts attached. Things like flowers to decorate Sam’s office and other small pants he could take care of easily. Castiel was even able to find a beautiful print that he could hang on the wall.

Sam seemed to cheer up visibly and Castiel’s heart warmed, he still greeted the Alpha every morning and he even his tone seemed much brighter.

Castiel didn’t leave his name, there were plenty of Omegas in the office who could possibly be leaving Sam’s gifts. Though he wasn’t much for participating in gossip, he was chuckled softly when he heard the small hushed conversations around the office trying to figure out who was sending Sam the mysterious gifts.

Sam cheered up more and Castiel was pleased, one day he saw him carrying one of the small succulents home. The next day after that, Sam is holding the beautiful sunflower Castiel bought from the newspaper vendor outside their building.

Several weeks later. Sam is already doing much better, he and Gadreel are “officially” broken up, as Sam tells Castiel one morning in passing.

Castiel finds an unusual note on his desk, it’s rare he gets notes that aren’t work related. There’s a small flower in a beautiful flower pot, with a small note attached which took the Omega’s breath away as he read it.

Thank you Cas – Sam, Castiel smiled and held the tiny flower to his chest and placed it on the perfect spot on his desk. 


(I am sorry for being so late with this! I hope to have all of them sent by today or tomorrow! I hope you like it💙)


I loves it sooooo much!!!!!!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

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