
Artist Sign-up Extended to September 25

Writer sign-up closed and we have over 50 writers signed up for the first SPN Eldritch Bang! We can’t wait to read all the eerie, creepy, awesome fics.

Now, we want to focus on all of you amazing artists. 

With several events running this fall, we’re extending the artist sign-up to September 25. Fic claims will then take place via Google forms on September 29, starting at 9 am CT.

Each fic will be a minimum of 5k and artists would create one piece of art per fic.

Sign-up form here

We would love to have you aboard!

Any questions? Send us an ask.


Title: Don’t Kill the Messenger
: Mature
Pairings: Dean/Cas, brief Dean/Lisa, minor Sam/Jess, minor Benny/Andrea
Wordcount: 50000
Warnings/Tags: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Temporary Major Character Death, Stigmata, Hurt Dean Winchester, Alternate Universe – Fusion, Religious Homophobia, John Winchester’s A+ Parenting, Possession, Cuddling, New York City
Posting: 10/9/2018


Dean Winchester’s life is about to change. After a weird package from his estranged father, his predictable and unfulfilling routine is upended when blood begins pouring from unexplained wounds in his wrists. Everybody seems to think he’s finally snapped and tried to kill himself and he sounds crazy trying to deny it. When the wounds spread and he starts to lose control, even he begins to question himself. Doctors try to help, but it seems like nothing can stop his downward spiral.

Enter Father Castiel Novak, investigator of miracles for the Vatican. He throws himself into the case, even rebelling against his superiors in the name of this righteous man. Castiel finds that it’s more than his sense of duty that draws him to Dean—it’s also affections he thought he swore off with priesthood, affections he sometimes thinks Dean might share. It’s a race against time to keep Dean alive, and Castiel has faith that it will all work out. But something dark is brewing in the Vatican, and Dean and Castiel are caught right in the crossfire.

“You were a chemist? Did you walk around with glasses with Scotch tape on the sides and pocket protectors?”

Castiel squirmed. Dean smirked.

“I did, actually. The glasses were only for the lab but… I did get attached and wear them elsewhere.”

Dean leaned back in his chair and laughed. Castiel relaxed minutely. A small victory. Rapport.

“My parents wanted me to become a scientist, I don’t think they particularly cared what kind. I liked it, but I wasn’t satisfied. I became a priest because the Church had compassion that chemistry lacked. I could change lives directly. And because of the holes.”

“The holes?”

“In the science, in the theories. How does a fish just jump on land and become a man one day? Something happened to jumpstart the universe, what was it? There were all these things science just couldn’t explain. I figured there was a larger power at play. God filled in those holes.”

“You’re the only person I’ve ever heard of that got into religion because of science.”

“We all have unique spiritual journeys, I suppose.”

“You’re weird, Cas. And nerdy.” Dean smiled and Cas almost heard the follow up in the air between them. ‘I like that.’

He liked Dean, too.

His gut twisted. That was the other reason he became a priest. His parents were strictly religious and they hoped that when Castiel blushed around other boys it was just a phase. Despite not sharing their faith at the time, he’d hoped too for their sake. But here he was in his thirties, heart fluttering because he made Dean Winchester smile.

In pushing pencils at the Vatican, he was blessed with a sort of isolation that warded off the baser aspects of the human experience. His own struggles—with his faith, his attraction—were earthly human things he could put aside with his mission in mind. The Vatican—the Church—no matter where he went was of one mind about everything. He could trust that every priest and cardinal and archbishop prioritized service to God above all else, just like he did.

Well, usually. For years he’d approached every report of a miracle with an open heart and mind, and every community he crushed when he unearthed the truth, whether it be corrupt priests hoping a spectacle would bring in more money or simply an impression on a wall made by chance and weather… They blurred together in his mind. It was one endless stream of the misuse of God’s name on earth. Especially with his recent case in Brazil, ripped away from him by his needlessly obstinate Cardinal.

He tamped down the affection and managed to return Dean’s smile with one that was only halfway strained. Couldn’t give anyone ideas about how much he was enjoying this. He’d have to move on. After he helped Dean figure out what was going on, or when Dean succumbed to the stigmata completely and breathed his last. No matter the outcome, Cas would return to his holy isolation and leave Dean’s world far behind.


Title: Lost to the Sea
: Explicit
Pairings: Dean/Castiel (side Sam/Gabriel) (past Dean/Lisa, past Castiel/Others)
Wordcount: 20000
Warnings/Tags: #Graphic Depictions of Violence #Oregon #Gothic #Painter!Cas #Horse Breeder!Dean #Mythical Animals #Fluff #Love #Cute
Posting: 10/10/2018


Castiel is running away. Away from the city, away from exes, away from where he felt he never fit in. Luckily, his long-lost brother has a perfect escape in the form of Mercy, Oregon, a tiny seaside town where Castiel can while away the hours painting. But a bump gets thrown in his plans when he meets Dean, the secretive racehorse breeder who seems determined to win Castiel over. But Mercy is full of secrets, and even the sea hides monsters, so how can Castiel fall for with a man who seems to want to protect them at all costs? In a town full of strange magic and enigmas Dean and Castiel are put to the test. Can their budding romance survive it?

Castiel gathered up the nerve to ask the question he had been dying to ask all morning. “Could I paint your horses?” Dean hesitated in answering for the first time all day. He he drew a breath in through his teeth.

“Maybe another time?” He offered weakly. Castiel nodded. He was a little disappointed, but even more confused. Why was everyone hiding these horses? They were going to the Kentucky Derby for God’s sake! Why the hell couldn’t they be seen?

“I hope to see them. I’ve always loved horses,” Castiel offered, trying to hide his warring emotions. Dean gave him another heart-melting grin.

“Would you let me take you to dinner tonight?” Dean asked suddenly. He looked so honest and sweet. Castiel’s heart dropped. He had promised himself no more.


“Oh!” Dean looked stricken and he quickly put more distance between himself and Castiel. Castiel immediately felt the loss of his warmth. The misty chill of the day curled against the side of Castiel he has occupied. Dean ducked his head and his ears turned an interesting shade of red. “Are you not, um, into guys?”

“I am,” Castiel remedied far too quickly. What was the matter with him? He needed to say no. That Dean was barking up the wrong tree. But would dinner be so bad? Dinner didn’t mean dating, or love, or kissing, or sex. It just meant eating food, right? Maybe he could find out about the horses. Castiel was already tired of this town’s strange secrets and he had been in Mercy less than a day. “Pick me up at seven?” He asked weakly. Dean’s face lit up so rapidly and beautifully, Castiel heart gave a painful beat and he couldn’t find it within himself to regret his choice.

“See you at seven, Cas!” He tugged Castiel into a warm, one-armed hug and trotted off toward his stables. Castiel stood frozen. What had he done?









i always imagined kiwi birds as the size of kiwi fruit and i was so wrong

wait how big are they then

closer to pumpkins

@xxtc-96xx big birb

they’re big potatoes 



This reminds me of @bunjywunjy and their post of how kiwis are scary ankle stabbing demons, and I shudder at the thought

cute kid he has your eyes

He’s so cuuuuuuuute!!!!!!!




Hey guys did I mention I live on a fucking weird island and sometimes land crabs with 8-inch claws try to get into my house

cute puppy what breed is he


Hey, @theriverscribe , at least these guys haven’t tried to be housemates with you yet!!!!



Just a quick thing I put together. This blew my fucking MIND when my anatomy teacher pointed it out. My drawings instantly got better. You might know it (good for you, I wish I knew it before too T_T) or you might not and it might help you get better.

I did NOT know this! :OOOOO Thank you!

Do I Worry chapter 26: Camp Out


“Man, you wouldn’t even recognize the life I had before all of this. Before the diapers and the daycare. I had a life. I was out partying it up with girls, drinking myself out. Dad couldn’t handle life and honestly…I couldn’t handle mine. When I got that letter, I was alternating between yakking up my drinks and reading it.”

Gabriel shifted to look at me, pulling on a smirk. There was a twinkle in his eyes when he caught me looking at him.

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Up on Ao3!

– – –

Gabriel’s got enough to deal with, moving and raising his baby brother Cas. When Cas’s “imaginary” little friend Sammy shows up on their doorstep, though, things get complicated fast.