Sastiel Love Week, August 2018 – Chapter 1 – LadyShadowphyre – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]


August 2018 Sastiel Love Week collection. Individual day summaries and warnings will be in the notes before each chapter.

Day I, Firsts: The Naming Of Names
Day II, AU: Trade a Smile With Someone Who’s Blue
Day III, Outsider POV: Never Had A Full House
Day IV, Angst: Tempting You And All The Earth
Day V, Just Couple Things: Which Side Are You On?
Day VI, Episode Related: Bring It On Home
Day VII, Domestic: You Know It’s Only Natural

Sastiel Love Week, August 2018 – Chapter 1 – LadyShadowphyre – Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]



📷: Ossi Saarinen

@talkingtomyselfagain Rey, as a kit?

How often people speak of art and science as though they were two entirely different things, with no interconnection. An artist is emotional, they think, and uses only his intuition; he sees all at once and has no need of reason. A scientist is cold, they think, and uses only his reason; he argues carefully step by step, and needs no imagination. That is all wrong. The true artist is quite rational as well as imaginative and knows what he is doing; if he does not, his art suffers. The true scientist is quite imaginative as well as rational, and sometimes leaps to solutions where reason can follow only slowly; if he does not, his science suffers.

Isaac Asimov (via awed-frog)


Sastiel Love Week Day II AUs (Centaur Sam)


(Hi there!, I was going to continue posting each day and try to stick to the themes even after Sastiel Love Week ends because I started kind of late! I hope that’s okay with you! 💙)

Castiel walked through the woods, these trails were popular but not at this time in late fall. It got too cold and most people tended to avoid these rural trails.

But Castiel didn’t mind, he was of course, here to see Sam. Today was the Spring Equinox

Sam was a centaur that lived and protected these woods.

Castiel had seen him one evening when he was walking through the trail. However he could only appear at certain times of the year, during either a solstice or an equinox.

Most people believed this area to either haunted or blessed, but no one really knew what lay  dormant here but Castiel was lucky enough to have met Sam and he had been drawn to him.

Castiel walked through the underbrush and into the clearing, water bubbled at a small spring, frost had settled in the early morning and it dusted the forest beautifully. Castiel watched the sunrise on the horizon, cresting perfectly and shining beautifully across the sky.

From the edge of the treeline Sam emerged, his movements were so surreal. Even though Castiel had seen him so many times he was shocked every time. Sam was much taller than he was, his lower half was that of a moose and he had brilliant large antlers. Above his waist he was human, his hair was long and around his ears was a wreath of dark green ferns.

Castiel waved and Sam smiled brightly as he trotted forward to Castiel and he kneeled and sat down in the grass so they were almost at eye level with one another. Castiel’s heart glowed, and gave Sam a fierce hug, which the centaur gladly returned. Castiel sat in the wet grass next to Sam.

How are you?, Sam’s voice hummed quietly in his head, Castiel was still stunned when they communicate telepathically.

I’m well Sam, it’s nice to see you again, Castiel replied back.

Sam nodded, his hazel eyes glowed softly in the early morning and his smiled.

Sam told Castiel stories of the woods and all the things he’s seen and Castiel told Sam about his normal mortal life. Sam hung onto every word as he listened to Castiel in his own head.

The entire day was the most peaceful silence with nothing but the sounds the woods living around them before the moon appeared on the horizon and Sam stood and embraced Castiel once more. Castiel couldn’t hide the tears clouding his eyes as he hugged Sam goodbye.

Sam stood up, now towering above Castiel, trotting back into the woods he turned towards Castiel and smiled before he faded into the night.

Castiel held the necklace tightly around his neck, it was a leaf from Sam’s wreath of flowers that never rotted or needed to be taken care of, his only reminder of Sam until the next solstice in the winter. 

OMG THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!! I LOVE MOOSE CENTAUR SAM!!!  I wanna take him home with me….hmmm..I don’t think he’d fit in my condo…oh well I’d figure it out!

And that works fine, wonderful Sastiel Anon!!! I think an extension of Sastiel Love week sounds FANTABULOUS!!!

@sastielloveweek​  Hi!  I’m tagging you in this because apparently Tumblr won’t let any of my posts show up in tag searches, either. 😦

Sastiel Love Week Day I (Firsts) – First Date


Sam was so worried and excited, the nerves bubbled in his stomach and his made his hands shake but at the same time he was trying his best to keep calm. He didn’t want his date to think he was a nervous mess.

Sam had never imagined he would actually be able to get to this point. He thought Castiel didn’t care much for him, or even knew who he was, but he had accepted his offer for a date happily and, even Sam thought naively.

Sam thought about the future, maybe if this went well they could even go on a second date and then start dating officially.

You’re foolish, Sam thinks to himself, but even the chance that this might work out, that they might even have a second date is enough to keep him focused the evening.

Sam had prepared everything and he thinks, momentarily, that Castiel would think he was trying to hard or overbearing. But at the same time he might would think it was sweet and charming. Should he bring the flowers? Was that too much?

Sam stared frustratingly at the flowers he’d gotten earlier that day. He didn’t know what do and he put his head in his hands and sat on his bed.

He had exactly two hours to decide and he just wanted to crawl into bed and pretend the entire thing was a dream.

Still ran his hands over his face, sitting here would only make things worse right? Plus he didn’t want to disappoint Castiel or, worse, or stand him up.

He showered, got dressed in a the nicest shirt he could find. Sam grabbed his phone, tucked his wallet into his back pocket and tucked the bouquet of flowers under his arm and headed towards the restaurant.


Sam meets Castiel at a local restaurant and he could hardly believe his eyes when he sees his date.

Castiel was wearing a wonderfully bright sweater  that matched his blue eyes and Sam was at loses for words almost instantly.

With nervous shaking hands Sam handed the bouquet to Castiel and watched his bright light up even brighter. Castiel stared shocked before his face broke out into a huge smile. Castiel thanked him  and stared graciously at the bouquet of flowers.

They sat and Sam’s nerves quickly bubbling away as they were able to easily talk. The food was excellent for diner food and Castiel listened to everything Sam said with interest he rarely saw from anyone. Even when he talked about his love for cooking healthy food and his crime shows. Castiel smiled brightly the whole time and even talked about his favourite tv shows. The conversation was easy and just peaceful, and Sam found time flew by until the sun was setting.

They paid for dinner and Sam stood near the door, he had to walk home and he wasn’t sure how to end their date. Despite how well it went he was tongue tied but thankfully Castiel spoke up.

“Thank you Sam, I enjoyed this night a lot,” He said with another sunshine smile and Sam’s heart soared.

“I think we should go out another time,” He clutched the bouquet of flowers to his chest gratefully.

Sam smiled, he thought he misheard but he nodded rapidly, he didn’t trust himself to speak.

Castiel smiled, “I’ll message you when I’m free,”

Sam nodded, “Sounds great,” He was trying to settle his breathing because this seemed like a dream.

Castiel left and Sam let out a breath he wasn’t realized he was holding. He smiled brightly to himself as he walked home hardly believing this evening had been real.

Awwww!!!! Sam is so anxious!!! I feel you buddy!!! Like, why did I decide to do this I must have been crazy?  This is so cuuuuttteee!!!! 😀 

@sastielloveweek  Hi!  I’m tagging you in this because apparently Tumblr won’t let any of my posts show up in tag searches, either. 😦

An Apology and a Request




Hey everyone!

Sorry for how little I’ve been around lately. I know that I’ve barely touched my tumblr, and AO3 updates have been scarce. I really want to apologize for that 😦 Life’s been a bit… hectic.

With it being summer, I’m free to take on more hours, so I only get night and weekends to write – but I have been writing! My Discord Darlings can account for that 🙂 I share snippets with them all the time. And as soon as I have some more stuff together, I’ll not only have an update or two, I’ll have a new story for you guys 😀

But anyway, I wanted to apologize for being gone. Between work, and taking care of some family, it’s just been insane.

Sadly, I’m not back here just for an apology. With the trouble I’ve been having lately, and the slam of medical bills from J’s last hospital trip, I’ve been having a hell of a hard time. It’s part of why I’m taking on so many hours. We’re at the “enough money to pay bills but not enough to eat” stage of things.

So I’m going to do the cheesy thing and I’m going to put up my “Buy Me a Coffee” account on here. Any of you that could help a fella out, it’d be greatly appreciated! Even just a single coffee would be a big help. If you can’t, I understand completely.

For those of you that do – feel free to put a comment in it on what story you’d like to see updated, or what you’d like to see written. I’m always open to suggestions!

Again, everyone, I’m sorry for my lack of presence lately, and thank you to anyone who can help!

– K (MonPetitTresor)

Here – Buy Me A Coffee !


Sending this around again, because as much as I hate it, these things don’t just go away, and switching to winter hours definitely isn’t going to help :/

If you can, awesome. If you can’t, please don’t stress! Love and prayers are always helpful, too 🙂 ❤
