
Soo….Once upon a time, months and months ago, in a Discord channel far, far away, there was a discussion of what Sam’s angel name would be.  And I determined his name would be Moosiel.  And THEN, this silly little Moosiel Plot Bunny jumped in my brain and REFUSED to be quiet until I did something about it. And so, here it is.  The Adventures of Moosiel.

The Feckin’ Bean Coffee is used with permission.  If you have not already done so, please go and read @talkingtomyselfagain‘s Cadbury!Verse immediately!

Additional thanks to

@whinywingedwinchester​, @dreamhunter-trash, @ladylilithprime, @hyrulehearts1123,  @theriverscribe, @sageclover61, and @thequeervet!!!!  You are all awesome Discord Peeps!!

Any suggestions for the next installment in the adventures of Moosiel?  Let me know!

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