
I quit makeup and shaving for a few different reasons, but sometimes I get frustrated trying to explain why I did to others.

Almost every time, whether they are male or female, they reply, “Oh thankfully you still look pretty without makeup.” And I’m like


You don’t get it.

I’m rebelling against the belief that women’s worth is tied to their beauty. I want to fight for the luxurious privilege of being judged for our words and actions, not on how desirable we appear to men.

While I know the compliment is well intended, it just goes to show how ingrained it is that a woman’s value is first and foremost her looks. Even when trying to fight misogyny, my rebellion is only supported when I’m still desirable enough to “get away with it.”

Just take the liberal feminist mantra of “All women are beautiful.” Beautiful? We need to reassure girls are females that if they suffer or struggle they are still beautiful? The word intended is valuable, but the fact that one is substituted for the other goes to show that the sexual availability of women is ultimately the top priority.

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