
My dear lgbt+ kids,

The lgbt+ community hates eggplant. They think it’s disgusting. Worst food ever.

… And with “the lgbt+ community” I mean myself.

Obviously there’s no one opinion on eggplant that every single lgbt+ person agrees with – and neither is there on any other topic.

When people say that the lgbt+ community believes this or says that, ask yourself who exactly they mean.

“The lgbt+ community says” could mean a lgbt+ organization says that, some lgbt+ individuals say that, the person personally says that, nobody says that and the person just assumed we would say that…

Yes, there are goals, beliefs, ideas most people in our community agree on. You’re not a horrible person for using the words “the lgbt+ community says” to express that you’re talking about something like that. I’m sure I’ve done so myself.

But when you hear a claim that sounds outrageous, seemingly proves that we are bad people or just kind of feels off, then take a step back and ask yourself “Wait, who exactly says that?”.

It may save you some headache from trying to argue against a “fact” that is actually just one random persons opinion.

With all my love,
Your Tumblr Mom

This really applies to a lot of things that get said, not just by/about LBGT+ stuff





Author Sign-ups

Sign-up for authors are now open.

Click here to register

Remember you have until August 4th, 2018 to register as a writer!


This is not a ship specific bang! The only specifics we have is that the monster is the focus and a canon monster (Got Witch!Sam falling for his brother? How about Demon!Dean taking Abbadon up on her offer? Maybe a fluffy little day in the life of Were!Garth and his pups!)



An Original Quick Watercolor Work. #399

Requested by god-breathedHow’s everyone’s midweek going? I’ll be leaving to catch a flight in a few hours and I am feeling incredibly anxious over all the errands and things left undone!! No matter what, I am happy to have stocked up my queue with new works, and I hope that this art can serve as a little, positive reminder in your moments of self-doubt.

You can grab the IG-sized version of this art here (kindly give my page a thumbs up!), and if you wish to purchase prints for the upcoming Mother’s Day, hop over here and here! ❤

Check out THE ARTIC SOUL for more original artworks.

It’s OK to prioritize yourself 💙

If you need support, remember that we’re here for you 24/7: 866.488.7386 or text/chat thetrevorproject.org/help 📲


Sam/Cas WIPs to read on ao3:

  • Out of the Black by hit_the_books. Two years ago, Sam Winchester left his family and moved to the outskirts of Cody, Wyoming in order to protect them from himself.But now Sam’s past is catching up with him and soon he’s going to have to come clean with everyone. No matter the cost. [Explicit, currently at 23k words. Canon-divergence, Powers!Sam, Witch!Sam, Pining, Angst.]
  • The ink in my pen ran dry long before your smile 

    by lammermoorianPrince Sam of Sauville wants only one thing for his college experience: anonymity. Castiel, his bodyguard, just wants the year to go smoothly.

    [Mature, currently at 35k words. College!AU, Mordern Royalty!AU, Bodyguard!AU].

  • Undone by AnOddSock. Sam finds Cas in need of a little extra care and Cas agrees to let him do what he can to ease Cas’s mind and relax his body. [Explicit, currently at 3k words. D/s play, dom!sam, Fluff and Smut.]
  • Atmospheric Pressure by Aedemiel. Rowena’s attack dog spell has other unintended consequences that lead Sam and Cas to re-evaluate their friendship. Afterwards a bread and butter ghost hunt turns nasty and the Winchesters have a mystery to solve. [Teen+, Graphic Descriptions of Violence, currently at 39k words. Casefic.]

Who needs to do anything on a Saturday???


A Destiel AU

Chapter Three: The Residence

Michael invited him to dinner.

Castiel’s years in med school had taught him to never pass down a free meal—Michael would certainly insist on paying as some sort of weird power move—so he accepted, as much as he didn’t want to sit across the table from a man he hadn’t spoken to properly in more than a decade and pretend that they were brothers.

He spent the few hours before dinner pacing around his hotel room, trying to get his thoughts in order.  He didn’t necessarily want the responsibility of raising a kid.  God knew didn’t manage to feed himself half the time, much less someone else.  Much less his sister’s son.  But at the same time, he knew Michael had to have an angle.

He never did anything without one.

He hadn’t brought any suit jackets.  He should have known that Michael would show up and turn literally everything into a formal situation, but he hadn’t prepared for it.  Instead, he toyed with the few ties he’d brought and eventually decided to go without.  He’d get the added bonus of the horror on Michael’s face at what he was wearing.

“You’re looking…sharp,” Michael said when Castiel walked into the restaurant.

Castiel normally ate at places with the kind of flickery fluorescent light that cast an odd blue-green glow over your food.  The warm golden candlelight seemed entirely too mellow for him.  Still.  He wasn’t about to force Michael to eat at a restaurant below his standards.

Castiel didn’t bother with the small talk as he slid into his seat.  Velvet cushions.  Really?

“What is your endgame here?”

Michael spread his napkin out over his lap and smoothed it flat, no wrinkles.

“Castiel, please.  What exactly do you think I am?”

(start from the beginning on ao3)






i love cats

you have long cat (serval)

ear cat (sand cat)

small evil cat (black footed cat)

spherical cat (pallas cat)

cat who probably watches makeup tutorials on youtube (caracal)

very round cat (leopardus guigna)

water cat (fishing cat)

cat with socks (leopardus colocolo)

grayscale cat (geoffroy’s cat)

and let’s not forget revolver cat (ocelot)

🎶These are a few of my favorite things 🎶

Don’t forget Snek Cat (Clouded Leopard)




Are You 100% Sure This Isn’t A Lemur (flat-headed cat)

That’s A Fucking Stoat (Jaguarundi)

Foot Fetish (canadian lynx)


and I move that my favorite, spherical cat, should be renamed Redonkasaurus Rex immediately (pallas cat)

All the fuzzies!!!!!!!!