Darkness (part 2)


some of you asked, so here ya go…I’m gonna continue this little story for y’all…

Sam slumped to the ground, and Dean instinctively
wrapped his arms around him, keeping him from hitting his head on the ground.

 “Sammy?” Dean’s voice, still a
whisper, was deep with concern. “Hey, Sam, come on, wake up.” He gently shook
his brother. Sam did not respond. He was limp, his arms dropping to his sides.

 Dean took a deep breath and gathered
as much of his voice as he could. “Hello?” he called out. Managing to overcome
his hoarseness, he bellowed out into the darkness. Nothing responded.

“Cas?” He tried to pray, to get the
angel’s attention. Cas would hear him, Cas would come.

 Several minutes passed. At least it
felt like minutes. Maybe it was hours. Maybe no time had passed at all. Sam was
still unresponsive. He was breathing, but still lay limp in Dean’s arms.

Dean began to panic in the pitch
darkness. His heartbeat increased. He knew he couldn’t lose it now though, his
brother needed him. Taking another deep breath to calm his nerves, he tried
again. “Jack? We need you! If you can hear me, please! Sam and I –“

 He was cut off by a strong hand
grabbing his shoulder and forcefully pulling him up. The force was so powerful,
Dean was lifted off his feet. Sam fell from his arms and crumpled to the

 “Hello Dean.”

Squee’s Supporters (forevers) under the cut – let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!

Keep reading

*you left us with more questions than answers…*

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