


“Yeah, Dean, I’m here.” Sam’s voice echoed in the darkness,
his voice scratchy and hoarse.

“Where are we?” Dean wasn’t much better. His voice was
barely a whisper.

“I don’t know, but my head hurts. I think I’m bleeding, too.”

“Shit. I can’t see you. Where are you?” Dean started to
crawl in the dirt, trying to find his brother.

“Here, Dean. Follow my voice.” He reached out in the
darkness, hoping to make contact.

Finally, their fingers brushed.

“Shit.” Dean said again, and pulled himself up, sitting next
to Sam.  They reached out to each other
until they managed to grasp hands.

“Don’t let go, Dean. I’m feeling dizzy.”

“Here, let me see.” Dean felt up Sam’s arm until he reached
his face. His fingers touched something wet and sticky. He exhaled shakily.

“Yeah, you’re bleeding,” he said. “I think somewhere around
your ear.”

“What happened, Dean? Where are we? How did we get here? Why
the hell can’t we see a damn thing?”

Dean lowered his hand and wiped his brother’s blood on his
pants. He tried to remember what had happened, but he only remembered flashes.
Something about Jack? Jack was in trouble. They were trying to save him from…something…or

“Dean… I think I’m gonna…” Sam’s voice was wobbly.

Suddenly Dean remembered something. He tightened his grip on
Sam’s arm.”

“Sammy, I think I know where we are.”

But just at that moment, Sam felt as though his entire body was
on fire. The feeling ran from the tip of his head down to his toes, like a
shiver. His ears rang. Everything tingled. He felt very strange, as if he were…changing,
somehow. He felt the eyes roll back in his head before he slumped to the ground.

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