

Ok, this is not my usual angst, but this is just sorta…what spilled out onto my keyboard…

Sam shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged, leaning
against the wall. A small smile played on his lips. He tried to hide it, but
Dean noticed.

“What do you mean, you don’t know?” he demanded, pointing at
his little brother.  “I saw that smile,
what are you trying to hide?”

Sam tried to turn his smile into a frown, but it wasn’t

“Nothing Dean, I’m
not trying to hide anything. I was just –“ Dean’s fist landed squarely in Sam’s
eye. He dropped to the ground, raising his arm up instinctively to protect

Dean looked down at his brother and growled, “don’t fuck
with me Sammy, you know I can beat your ass.”

Sam looked up and smiled, still holding his already swollen

“That’s what you think.”

Jack suddenly appeared behind Dean and held the archangel
blade to Dean’s throat. Jack leaned in close, whispering in his ear, “You
let Dean go now.”

He actually laughed, despite the blade.

“You won’t kill me little one.”

“He might not, but I will.” Cas grabbed the blade from Jack and
made a small cut in Dean’s throat. As the grace of the Archangel began to seep
from the wound, Jack stepped closer and breathed it in. Sam’s eyes went wide.
This was not what they had planned for.

“Get out of Dean!” Cas bellowed.

“Never!” Michael gasped, struggling against the nephilim and
angel who were draining him of his grace.

“Try and stop us now. You are not in power anymore.” Dean’s
voice was clear.

Michael was no longer in control.

Squee’s Supporters (forevers) under the cut – let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!

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