




Me: I don’t know if I ever want to be pregnant, I’d rather adopt a kid or two that are a bit older

Someone: Are you SURE? Older adoptees present UNIQUE CHALLENGES

Me: We are discussing human beings not digital pets

Literally every child every born and/or parented presents unique challenges. It’s like people are unique individuals…..or something………….

An amazing and revolutionary concept

When people ask me, “Why do you want to adopt teenagers?” I always answer, “Because you asked like that.”

I’m real over it. If I become a foster mom to a 17 year old kid and I get the privilege of the option to adopt them? You better believe I am legally making that kid mine.

“They’ll be a legal adult in no time, why spend the money to adopt? They’ll be aged out of the system.”

There’s no aging out of family, Marvin.

“They might be rebellious or smoke or do drugs or steal things! What if they won’t listen to you?”

Then I guess I’ll have to step up and do some fruxking parenting, Stanley.

“You want to adopt problem children then?”

All. Children. Are. Problem. Children. If you’re not prepared to deal with the fact that at some point, any child ever, whether you birthed them yourself or adopted them at any age, could become a problem? Then you are NOT ready to have children, and should really just step off and let the people who actually want to be parents live in peace with their kids.

Hey I’m so glad this post is picking up

If I ever adopted a kid (and I’ve thought about it) it would be one hundred percent an older kid. No question about it.

Jared’s not-so-solo Saturday JIB panel


Jared didn’t feel good on Saturday. He said it in the morning J2 panel.


Later, he mentioned not feeling great to several people in his photo ops. When they had autos, people saw him pull Jensen away and they held a private conversation that ended with Jared saying something like “No, I’ll be fine.” Right after that was Jared’s solo panel. Except it wasn’t a solo panel at all. Jensen left his autos and got Rich and Rob and they ALL went out with Jared.


And then this:


Which wasn’t even true really?

He then spent the entire beginning of the panel deflecting questions:


And providing a distraction for Jared who clearly didn’t feel great. He sang KISS acapella :


He blew bubbles at Jared:


Close up of that:


He said this after the first question got interrupted by all the joking around, which was interesting:


He cooled himself off with a fan:


And poured Jared water:


Which they both drank. Very sweet.


He played the guitar:

He flicked bubbles off of Jared:


And told him not to show off his butt:


Honestly? I think Jensen would have ridden a unicycle and juggled if it helped Jared.

And Jared clearly did need him there. 

When Jensen acted like he was going to leave:


Jared reaches out to stop him.

Jensen stayed there until Daniela showed up and LITERALLY dragged him off stage to go back to autos:


I know JIB weekend is hard on both of them. It’s the anniversary of a very bad time. It just warms my heart that Jared felt sick and Jensen went into full protective mode, even making sure Rob and Rich would still be with him if and when Jensen had to go. As my friend described it, Jensen was all MAYDAY MAYDAY ALL HANDS ON DECK JARED NEEDS US the second he realized Jared was a little off.

I think this gif of the big screen behind them sums it up best. Jensen over Jared’s shoulder protectively having his back:

We’ve got only a few days to go and I’m disappointed that there’s no crack speculation on who possesses Dean in the last episode. I’m going with Meg the Demon. This way both the Destiel and Megstiel fans will be satisfied.




Excuse I think @elizabethrobertajones figured out it’s Mr. Fizzles.

@thayerkerbasy and I have come up with two theories which are certainly not crack but are Very Serious™:

1. Dean travels back in time and is possessed by 1920s!Crowley (hence the dapper suit). Cue all sorts of highly inappropriate innuendo.

2. The tentacle monster. His gf came back looking like a flapper and he decided he really liked the aesthetic (hence the dapper suit). Cue all sorts of kinky innuendo.

Or it could be Mr. Fizzles. Lizbob makes good points.

You’re all overlooking the most obvious possibility (though I still very much believe in our speculations, @grey2510).

It’s going to be the ghost of Castiel’s abandoned trenchcoat.  That thing had flappy powers of flight all on its own.  Every step Cas took, his coat swished behind him.  It’s full of so much anger, it’s going to take its rage out on the first available target.  It needs a vessel and Dean is familiar, so it’ll help Dean to defeat Lucifer if it means it gets to be as overly dramatic as it used to be when Cas was wearing it.