headcannons about alphas and omegas returning home with newborn pups?


God these were adorable to write

  • The omega is exhausted, naturally, practically sleep walking but still holding onto their pups fiercely
  • The alpha is tired too, and stressed, because their omega’s pained pheromones are still lingering in the omega’s system, but they’re almost completely overwhelmed by proud, contented ones
  • They help each other stumble up the stairs to the omega’s nest, and as the omega settles into a chair to feed the pups as they begin the stir, the alpha sets about scenting the nest once more before they all climb in, because the last time they did it was a day before the omega went into labour and the scent is old and faint
  • The alpha gets distracted a lot, and spends whole minutes sat back on their haunches watching their omega breast feed their pups, stroking their tiny cheeks and crooning quietly when their tiny faces scrunch up in discomfort
  • The omega needs help getting to the nest because their legs are about ready to give out, and as they lie back in the mess of pillows and blankets, one of the pups screws up their face and lets out a loud, keening cry
  • The alpha immediately swoops in and picks them up, cradling them and rocking them gently. The pup just stares at them in abject shock, and then slowly raises a tiny hand, opening and closing their little fingers and waving their fist slowly
  • The alpha settles themselves next to the omega, crooning and purring and whispering loving things in their ear, kissing their hair and all over the face, pausing only to kiss one of the pups when they squeak and mumble
  • The omega is already almost dozing off, smiling and content in the alpha’s embrace, one pup splayed out across their chest, the other sleeping soundly in the alpha’s arms
  • Instincts keep the alpha awake for an hour or so after their omega and pups have fallen asleep, but it’s not an unpleasant hour. They’re just happy to gaze at their new family and think about the years upon happy years they have ahead of them
  • The alpha eventually drifts into sleep as well, their body curled protectively over their omega and pups, one arm cradling a pup and the other cupping their omega’s head against their shoulder, falling asleep with a smile on their face


imageTitle: What I need

Author: 50shadesofsubtext
Artist: Impalartsociopath
Rating: Gen

Word Count:

Dean is a paramedic that works at the firehouse near the hospital. When the new nurse, Cas, is hired at the hospital, the paramedics, nurses, doctors, and other hospital staff try to win him over, but when he is uninterested in everyone, they come together to hook him up with Dean.
Author Notes:

A huge thank you to my artist @impalartsociopath for his AMAZING art!!! It is beautiful!!!

Also huge thank you to my alpha and beta readers, @saltnhalo, @lotrspnfangirl, and @so-many-lines!!! You all were amazing and any remaining issues are mine alone

The title comes from the Hayley Kiyoko song of the same name.

This was my first ever bang, and it was so much fun, thank you everyone!!!

Links to fic and art: FIC and ART


Title: They Want Me To Make Them Oh Oh Oh
Author: Lasafara
Artist: Cenedra Riva
Rating: Teen and up
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel
Warning(s): John Winchester’s A+ Parenting, Incubus!Dean, ace!cas, consensual sex for the wrong reasons, Implied Past Abuse, Acephobia
Word Count: 18102

When Gabriel’s misplaced concern for Cas’s sex life results in a demon summoning, Cas is frustrated beyond belief. His brother won’t accept his sexuality, and now he has an incubus in his house, unable to leave without a “boost.” But the incubus is kind, and funny, and Cas finds he doesn’t mind so much.

Dean has spent his entire life making sure his partners were happy with his performance. After all, that’s the only thing he’s good for, according to his dad. So when he’s summoned to someone who doesn’t want to get down and dirty, Dean doesn’t know how to handle it. He’s never been seen as more than a glorified sex toy; what is he supposed to do when he’s actually seen as a person?

The two have a lot to work out, and worse, something isn’t quite right with Dean. Can Dean and Cas figure out their differences before everything falls apart?

Links to fic and art:

Read it here! Go here for art!

This is soooo cuuuuuuuute!!!