


13.22 // Penance Denied

I usually don’t put comments on other people’s sets but the fact that there are people in the tags trashing Sam over this: I wonder how many times Sam pleaded with Lucifer to stop when Lucifer was torturing and raping and abusing him in the cage?? I wonder how many times he’s silently pleaded when he was experiencing flashbacks and how he’s been haunted for years by Lucifer – his abuser – the same devil who has maimed and killed others as well all for selfish reasons and because he’s genuinely evil? Being mad at Sam for trying to protect his family from Lucifer and for being able to finally stand up to his abuser after everything he’s done is literally shaming the victim and it sickens me. Lucifer deserved worse; Sam did what he had to do by shoving him back and making sure he nor Michael followed him through the rift. 

He should have actually stabbed him first, then shoved him dead on the ground, IMO.  Good riddance. 

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